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{UAH} Ati - Museveni juu, wapinzi chini, chini chini!

Kasim Sajjabi,Nyanama a day ago

And I reiterate, long live HE Museveni! The man is not a saint-quite a few skeletons in his closet-but which leader doesnt have those? Or better still, which human being does not have something for which others resent him or her? I , for one, have resolved to give the President my unwavering support because -on hindsight-things could have been worse! Much worse! The days when Minister Kirunda and Army chief fought over a room -the way our young female MPs have done -are over! The days are gone when Oyite Ojok pointed a pistol at his CIC -Milton Obote reminding the latter that he (Oyite) was the determining factor so he better be allowed to siphon all the coffee funds!
The days when a soldier could blow out the brains of a civilian and walk away with braggadocio -are gone! This happened at present day Kisekka market! The days when a foreign force could fly in here, do something for a whole hour and a half as was the case of the Israelite freeing their people held hostage by Palestinians under the Presidents own nose -those days are gone!

Yes, youth unemployment is such a sore -but that does not go for little Uganda alone! Even the mighty USA-if you care to read about them! This month, there has been some relief of a few hundred thousand jobs-but many more needed! Britain? Check out the ratio of its 60m people who are on "unemployment benefit" Hospitals which are pathetic-yes they are -mostly! The system needs to be improved and you bet , it is getting better everyday! But even Britain's NHS-National Health services-under which hospitals are run has come under the spotlight! You can also visit hospitals in Gabarone - said to be Africa's "success story!"You will notice a few things wanting!

You mention failed institutions-Bwana Kule? We agree , almost every other day, the judicary , or some other governement department seems to have let us down! The police is constantly under fire! Nobody has a kind word even when they arrest murder suspects in a swift ,professional manner! The corruption certainly is manifest here and there! Mark you, these are ordinary Ugandans - who unabashedly ask (and often are given without asking) for something to expedite a service! But that we can talk about it candidl;y, have recourse to a justice system -not the world's best but improving daily! Good people, give the man some credit!
Museveni juu, wapinzi chini, chini chini!

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