UAH is secular, intellectual and non-aligned politically, culturally or religiously email discussion group.



When hate and evil sprung it's head on this forum, in the form of "the Mulindwa series"; several people worked out the intention, timing and generalisation. But the majority, including Abbey Semuwemba, not to mention members of Acholi nativity, simply stood by, as Mulindwa wiped his backside with Acholi and it's people. To be fair, Gwokto, Sekajja, Simon and George Okello did try to challenge the "hate filled" posts. Pointing out the misuse of other people's work, copy and paste method and being a victim of vampire bed bugs.  But Joseph Kamugisha; a late comer into the foray, he took on the challenge as Mulindwa was being egged on by wacky members, and when the venom in his posting had reached the height of it's potent. Tackling his posts line by line and paragraph by paragraph; Joseph did not only identify Mulindwa as part of Amin's notorious bellbottom and dark shades wearing, State Research Unit but as a Nubian who has adopted Buganda as a tribe. This on it's own, did not stop Mulindwa spewing his hate. However, by pointing out to Mulindwa, that he was, educationally challenged and that, he was trying too hard to punch above his waist, is what did it!.

Going back, George Okello and Gwokto were the first to point out to Mulindwa, that his lack of and loathing of the educated was his undoing. But Joseph Kamugisha used it so effectively to challenge Mulindwa, punching the same spot again and again. With each punch and splatter of blood, Mulindwa staggered and jolted. As i write, Mulindwa is seated on his laurels, buoyed by his manure unable to work out what failed his hate mission, in producing the outcome he wanted. In the last few days, the posting have become irregular, irrelevant and immaterial. It has become, "mark as read" or "delete" material; to most.

I must confess that, i liked reading Mulindwa's posts, before he became a zombie.  

Whether it was the feeling of responsibility for sensibility or guilt that forced Joseph Kamugisha to stand up to Mulindwa's hate, he surely restored my belief in humanity (Ugandans) and for that he takes the accolade. Should his legs take him to Acholi, some day, he will find a cow waiting for him!.

Tolerance is a stage in civilisation!

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