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Yesterday i followed Dr Amir Otunno's presentation on and I was very pleased to hear how well the prof. articulated the subject. He has clearly grasped and compounded on what Betty Kamya dubbed, "as,M7 not being the problem of Uganda, but the excessive power held by the presidency". He explained that should M7 depart and we get another leader under the same system, we will end up with the same problem of abuse etc. It's now clear that federalism is on the march. 

Dr Amir is captivating in his articulation. He is clearly head over shoulders above individuals masquerading as politicians in Uganda. But being away from the ground means the void must be filled by all and sundry. I therefore think the prof has to touch base by working with existing organisation such as UFA who have championed the cause from the word go. However articulate the prof is, he is in danger of slowing the speed of the federal juggernaut by asking people to jump on a different wagon heading for the same destination. This, in my opinion, is wasteful and expensive. It does not make the journey a national experience but a migration where people will arrive at different times. We all have to march together and arrive together.  

Prof Mubiru who was himself a contributor to the presentation, simplified democracy as a one on the same side of the coin. You cannot have democracy without rights. Right to criticise, right to federate, right to self determination etc. The two clearly are still in the closet, they have to come out and join hands with those in the ground. Much as i agree with Prof Amir that M7 is at his weakest, one is reminded of the Chief's statement in the play, "The Lion and the Jewel" where the chief said, "the monkey sweats, it's only the hair on it's body that deceives the world".  

Nothing should be taken for granted, because the struggle is not only against Mu7 but national frozen mindsets, a tundra of sort, afflicting even the most educated in the country, where leadership is still regarded as a relationship between a subject and a master. Where power is thought to have a specific seat, and should be kept there but dished inform of orders from the central etc. So the war is a big one and the drive needs a concerted effort in all spheres. 
The prof was also right that the people who are closest to the NRM regime should fight even harder for federalism because that is the only way they can keep the loot they have plundered during the NRM reign; which if ended abruptly, could mean the loss of power and the loot they have stashed away.

The prof has to set up a timetable that is workable, much he mentioned a time plan, it seem as if he has kicked the ball in the long grass. The time is now; for crying out loud. Those who are currently championing the cause cannot afford another day of suffering for our people!. We want federalism now!



Tolerance is a stage in civilisation!

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