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{UAH} Fitting school into my schedule was no easy feat - Full Woman -

Fitting school into my schedule was no easy feat - Full Woman -

Hiring the maid
Interviewing a potential maid is serious business. You have to approach it like any other job interview. The first thing you should find out is why they have come to work for you.
If they do not have a concrete and satisfying reason, do not hire them. An interested maid is one who is focused. She will tell you her current plans and long term goals.

Since she will be looking up to you like a mother, work with her to help her achieve her purpose in life or her goal. Do progress reviews with her, maybe once a year to find out how far she has gone.

Another important thing during the interview is that you should get to know her people. Have their contacts and communicate with them constantly. Try to know where she comes from and the village.

Work out with her the allocated times when she should take leave. Do not sit back and allow her to go home every time she gets a phone call from the village.

Retaining the maid
• Retaining a maid requires you to have systems in place so that life can go on even if you are busy.

• Training is important. Do not expect your maid to be perfect on day one. Train her to do what you want and how you want it done.

• Appreciate her when she had done something good. Don't look out for the mistakes she makes all the time and know that a simple "thank you" is enough to make her feel appreciated.

• Treat her like she is your own daughter and include her in the family engagements. Eat with her at the same table and if it is family outings, unless it is really necessary, do not leave her at home.

• Like you advocate for a salary increment at work, do not wait for your maid to tell you to increase her salary. And if you buy her a dress, or give her money for her hair, do not deduct it from her salary. Let it be a bonus that you are giving her to thank her for the work well done.

• Find time to sit with her and work out a weekly menu so that she will not bother you concerning what to cook.

• The more responsibility you give her, the more you should alter the output you expect from her. If she was cleaning the house every day when you had one child, don't expect her to do it every day with three children to look after. Leave allowances for her.

• Constantly do reviews of her work together. It is a kind of stock taking of her employment.

Sent from Gook's iPatch!

"What you are we once were, what we are   you shall be!"
An inscription on the walls of a Roman catacomb.

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