{UAH} Could life presidents be level nine narcissist
President Y. K. Museveni came to power in 1986 following a destructive war in which lots of lives were lost. His history of war goes back to the early 70's when he led an ill prepared ill fated expedition against Idi Amin that was to result in the loss of many young lives.
in 1980 he led more young men to their lives and went on to lead even more to war in 1981. Several hundred thousand people are thought to have died in the war that brought him to power as well as the long civil war in northern Uganda where his government conducted a virtual scorched earth policy for 15 years!
He has gone on to order more young men to their deaths in wars in Rwanda, Congo, Sudan Somalia as well as within the country where his police and troops some led by his son and heir apparent have put down protests with maximum prejudice. this is an extension of the policy where any form of dissent is treated as treason punishable by death even in unarmed situations.
Museveni has been lionized, by himself and his party who continue to present him as indispensable and the sole man with a vision in the country.
Recently, he orchestrated the ouster of his longstanding colleague, friend and hatchet man Amama Mbabazi. Mbabazi in his eureka moment has finally seen through the haze of the cult like adulation with which members of the presidents ruling party hold him and stated a few truths to the man in the hats face. this has been met with nastiness including hounding him out of the party he helped create and sustain for over 30 years, seen him arrested together with his daughter and followers, seen him beset upon by minor minions in the NRM who have proceeded to humiliate publicly the man who created the party they profess to follow. Just a few days ago, the presidents son in law went on air to attack and belittle as well as humiliate him.
This pattern has been seen in the past with other politicians who have dared to question the right of president Museveni to rule for the rest of his natural life. Museveni is on record as stating that he saw no one in the movement who could replace him! the late Eriya Kategaya, Besigye, Bukenya and even delusional Mukula, have seen the man they though was a friend turn upon them and proceed to attempt to destroy them. Its instructive that virtually all have been to jail on charges that while some maybe with merit were a result of politically motivated prosecutions!
Museveni is not alone in coveting life presidency in the Great Lakes region. Inspired by him, Nkurunziza of Burundi recently pushed his country to the brink of war in order to get himself a third term after serving the constitutionally mandated two terms. In Rwanda, Paul Kagame who did a "Medvedev" in reverse having been the man behind the throne before he became president, is well on his way to doing away with the two term limit in the Rwandese constitution in order to perpetuate his own rule!
This led me to think about why one man would be so egotistical as to believe that a country could not do without his leadership! to state that he and only he had the only vision in the land for 30 years and counting. To personalize the state and all of its goods and harness them to keeping himself in power even if it threatens the economy or to risk bringing his country to the brink of war even if it got destroyed in the process just so that he can rule for the rest of his natural life.
One also wonders as to what sort of followers such a man has and what sort of leadership he offers. Museveni is a charismatic leader. he is also authoritarian. this charismatic leader-follower relationship that he appears to have with his followers who appear not to question the lies, the changes of goal posts, the inconsistencies, the abuses of the people as well as the constitution!
This is definitely not my subject but i read up on leadership styles, including authoritarian leadership styles and charismatic cult leaders and their followers! this led me to personality disorders and specifically Narcissistic Personality Disorder!
Narcissism is over represented among certain professions including politicians and the military. as a matter of fact narcissists are drawn to any profession that guarantees fame and power! NPD is associated with 9 criteria of which one has to have at least 5 to be diagnosed. Cult leaders are classical narcissists! Nowhere is this most apparent than in the numerous mushroom charismatic churches in Uganda!
But back to politicians and narcissism, its been said that its hard to interview a person with all 9 traits of NPD who is not a cult leader on in jail is virtually impossible! Africa's strongmen I believe offer a perfect opportunity to study these traits in charismatic leaders who have been in power for decades without any sign of retiring! men who believe that no one is as good as them nor can replace them!
Grandiosity, exploiting others, being envious of others, preoccupation with success, requiring excessive admiration, exaggerated sense of entitlement, arrogance, a belief of being unique, a lack of empathy, are hallmarks of NPD.
A level nine narcissist is one with all of the above traits and can be a volatile, unpredictable and dangerous person particularly when challenged, criticized, disagreed with, or faced with the suggestion that they could be powerless, ignorant or incapable of doing something! Museveni has always reacted violently to any and all challenges to his absolute control over the country and its people even if it meant ordering citizens to be shot with live bullets! until just a couple of years ago, no speech of his was complete without threatening to "kill" anyone who challenged his government and leadership!
Unfortunately most narcissists are not self aware! They never admit their faults, never take responsibility, lack empathy and are unable to relate to other people, have no enduring personal relationships with anyone, are manipulative and bullies, cannot sustain any kind of social interaction, and have the overwhelming need to always be in control!.
Narcissists are addicted to a drug called "narcissistic supply"! They are capable of diagnosing the insecurities and weaknesses of people around them and putting them to use instantaneously! Most narcissists become bully's in the workplace. They taunt. They torture! Above all they have an overwhelming need to always be at the center of attention and are convinced of their own uniqueness to a fault!.
There are attempts to cure narcissism. Unfortunately this is virtually impossible as like many personality disorders, NPD is THE personality!It is a part of that individuals personality and really cannot be changed without changing the person and who he is. Personality disorders are therefore relatively resistant to treatment and get predictably worse with age.
While narcissists can be very successful people, they can also self destruct in spectacular ways! True egomaniacs satisfy their need by preying on others but there comes a time when all may unravel as it did for other strongmen in Iraq, Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, and elsewhere.
This is very well demonstrated by the old Greco-roman myth about Narcissus who was so handsome that he fell in love with his own reflection in the river. This unattainable obsession led him to pine away by the river and die.
Is it any wonder then that all of these strongmen invariably end up the same way? If they are not destroyed by their obsessed followers, they invariably self destruct .... in spectacular ways! I wonder what a psychiatrist would think of all of this.
Dr Sam Vaknin in "The Professions of the Narcissist" makes this argument for narcissists being attracted to certain professions that give them power over other people including politics, a situation he finds alarming!.
"Narcissists are liars. They misrepresent their credentials, knowledge, talents, skills, and achievements. A narcissist medical doctor would rather let patients die than expose his ignorance. A narcissistic therapist often traumatizes his clients with his acting out, rage, exploitative , and lack of empathy. Narcissistic businessmen bring ruin on their firms and employees.
Moreover, even when all is "well", the narcissist's relationship with his sycophants is abusive. He perceives others as objects, mere instruments of gratification, dispensable and interchangeable. An addict, the narcissist tends to pursue an ever-larger dose of adoration, and an ever-bigger fix of attention, while gradually losing what's left of his moral constraints.
When his sources become weary, rebellious, tired, bored, disgusted, repelled, or plainly amused by the narcissist's incessant dependence, his childish craving for attention, his exaggerated or even paranoid fears which lead to obsessive-compulsive behaviors, and his "drama queen" temper tantrums - he resorts to emotional extortion, straight blackmail, abuse, or misuse of his authority, and criminal or antisocial conduct. If these fail, the narcissist devalues and discards the very people he so idealized and cherished only a short while before.
As opposed to their "normal" colleagues or peers, narcissists in authority lack empathy and ethical standards. Thus, they are prone to immorally, cynically, callously and consistently abuse their position. Their socialization process – usually the product of problematic early relationships with Primary Objects (parents, or caregivers) – is often perturbed and results in social dysfunction.
Nor is the narcissist deterred by possible punishment or regards himself subject to Man-made laws. His sense of entitlement coupled with the conviction of his own superiority lead him to believe in his invincibility, invulnerability, immunity, and divinity. The narcissist holds human edicts, rules, and regulations in disdain and human penalties in disdain. He regards human needs and emotions as weaknesses to be predatory exploited."
God save Uganda!
Concerned Ugandan
Atocon Moses Atyekwo mosesatocon@msn.com @twitter: @AtyekwoM Skype:Atomose |
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