{UAH} Response to Mukunya
Like you, I wonder why we keep complicating things. But I am realist. At this point, I am well aware that you guys are bent on doing whatever you want. You can see from Brian's answers on Article 3.3.1 that you are bent on suspending it or ignoring it.
You were also aware that most of the people you put on the Board do not qualify to be there (they have NOT been members for FIVE consecutive years) but you still put them there. Mr Nantamu is the only Board that qualifies to be on the Board. Ms Serwanga would qualify but she did not renew her membership last year. Mr Michael Kisembo was a member in 2011 but he did not renew for 2012 and then rejoined UNAA on 12/7/2013; Mr Musinguzi was a member for just 2013; though Dr Buwembo bothered to renew his membership (receipt #3542), he has not been a member for 5 consecutive years and Mr Otto has only been a member 2 consecutive years.
For a faster response please contact me at 415.789.6427
sent from SONY Z3 on Vodafone's LTE Network!From: Peter Mukunya <unaa@memberclicks-mail.net>
To: joseph.musoke@ymail.com
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2015 10:21 PM
Subject: UNAALIST CORRECTION: Response to Brian
I wonder why we keep on complicating things.
Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device
-------- Original message --------
From: Joseph Musoke <unaa@memberclicks-mail.net>
Date: 08/22/2015 6:56 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: mukunya2005@hotmail.com
Subject: UNAALIST CORRECTION: Response to Brian
Dear Brian,
Article 3.3.1 is quite plain:
3.3.1: Membership dues paid in a current fiscal year shall be valid for membership for the following fiscal year.
If the current fiscal year started on October 1, 2015 and will end on September 30, 2015, Article 3.3.1 says that the membership dues will be valid for the FOLLOWING fiscal year and the fiscal year that follows the current one, will start from October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016. Therefore, dues paid after Sept 30, 2014 but before October 30, 2015 will be valid for the next fiscal year. Those people should not even come to the AGM in New Orleans...unless you have suspended 3.3.1...just as you seem to have suspended Article 5.3:
Qualification: To be eligible for nomination to be a Trustee, a person shall be a member of UNAA in good standing for at least 5 consecutive years immediately preceding his or her nomination; shall be a resident of North America; shall have been an active participant in the affairs of the Association for at least 5 years immediately preceding his or her nomination.
Most of the people you appointed to the Board do not qualify to serve on the Board unless you also suspended 5:3.
---In UNAANET@yahoogroups.com, <brian.kwesiga@...> wrote :
Dear Joseph:
What in Article 3 prevents a person who registered on October 1 2014 onwards from voting?
Anyone who is a paid member for Fiscal Year 2015 onwards will vote in the 2015 UNAA General Election. Whether you define Fiscal Year by Jan 1 to Dec 31 or Oct 1 to Sept 30, and that doesn't violate Article 3 of the constitution.
So, I ask again? What in Article 3 prevents a person who registered on October 1 2014 onwards from voting?
Anyone who is a paid member for Fiscal Year 2015 onwards will vote in the 2015 UNAA General Election.
Brian, Brian M. Kwesiga
On Aug 22, 2015, at 2:31 PM, Joseph Musoke joseph.musoke@... [UNAANET] <UNAANET@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
How does changing the fiscal year to run from October 1st, also change the requirements of article 3? You said that the current fiscal year now runs from October 1st, 2014 to September 30, 2015. If you've not suspended article 3, then membership fees paid from October 1, 2014 to September 30,2015 is valid for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2015.
Dear Joseph:
Anyone who has paid for the Fiscal Year 2015 on-wards (Both before the Fiscal Year change AND after the Fiscal Year Change), as long as they paid by the constitutional deadline of 30 days before the elections (August 6th 2015), will vote.
Brian M. Kwesiga
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