{UAH} Pope's very busy day in Washington
Wednesday 23 September 2015 has been a very busy day for Pope Francis, but with positive action!
The Pope has moved quite a lot in spite of very stringent security measures which often kept the crowds
a bit away from some vantage points. The day began with a visit to the White House where he arrived
in a small Fiat car and was welcomed by President Obama and wife who were waiting for him on the lawns
outside. The place was full of invited guests, some 20,000 of them including the marginalized, the poor, etc..
The anthems of the two states were then played, by the US military. Then there was a march past, in honour of
the Pope, by an elite group of soldiers who symbolized America's struggle for independence. After which President
Obama delivered his official speech beginning with the " Good morning!" greeting. Obama expressed gratefulness
for the welcome the pope had accorded him at the Vatican. He went on to affim that in Pope Francis's teaching one
just sees the example of Christ. That his words and attitude offered to many a moral example that touches anyone's conscience.
He further elaborated the good role played by the Catholic Church in labouring for peace, even in the USA, and in minding the
condition of the poor. He expressed his firm resolution in standing with the Pope for religious freedom and for justice.
He also supported the Pope's initiatives in favour of migrants and the marginalized. and finally welcomed the Pope in the name of
the USA. There were great cheers when President Obama ended his speech.
In reply the Pope, speaking in English, also began his address with the " Good morning!" greeting and he was saluted with cheers!
He expressed his great joy in being a visitor to the USA. And mentioned his coming address to the US Congress where he will be
present in a brotherly capacity, and his eventual meet with the families. He observed tha t the Catholics in the US are engaged in the
construction of an equitable society. And that religious liberty in the country was the most precious gain for the country.
He reminded his hosts on the necessity of getting to do something on the acute problem concerning change in climate. He also
appealed for measures to protect any vulnerable individuals, and he finally reminded that the Creator never abandons anybody.
The Pope' speech was interrupted several times with cheers and, in the end, a standing ovation.
Then a famous Washington Gospel choir intoned a song in praise of the Pope. At the end of the performance the Pope was led by
the Presidential couple to the balcony of the White House fromwhere he waved to the crowd present amid strong ululations and deafening cheers.
The Pope and the President then withdrew to a strictly private conversation that was said to focus on migration. While at the same time
the rest of the official Vatican delegation went with the US Secretary of State in another closed venue at the White House for another series of talks.
After the White House the Pope went to Washington's St Matthew the Apostle Cathedral to address the assembled US Catholic bishops.
He arrived there accompanied by a long convoy of vehicles. He was welcomed on the spot by Washington's Cardinal Archbishop. In all the USA
has about 170 dioceses with 500 bishops ( icnluding the auxiliaries and the retred ) of whom 15 are cardinals. Moving to this cathedral the Pope
was cheered by multitudes that had lined the only streets that didn't fall under the prohibtion measure, for security reasons. And on entering the
Church the Pope was cheered by the five hundred bishops present. He went for prayers in a private chapel. At that time the choir was performing
to keep the bishops busy. Then the Pope, after some protocol, delivered his speech to the bishops. In it he outlined a classical portrait of a bishop
of the Roman Catholic Church. and he stated his role as the successor of St Peter. He affirmed his fraternal relationship with the clergy. And at length he presented a road map that would help bishops confront problems in America. He lastly requested the bishops to welcome the immigrants in their individual dioceses. And he also prayed with the bishops for the victims of sexual abuse.The Pope's speech to the US bishops was said to be the longest any Pope had ever addressed to a group of bishops. It lasted 45 minutes. And in the end all bishops stood up to give a very rousing standing ovation to the Pontiff.
The day ended with a canonization ceremony held at the Marian Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, patroness of the USA. The Shrine welcomes over a million pilgrims annually. And today there were just great multitudes all around the Shrine to witness the canonization of the very courageous Spanish missionary, Blessed Fr Junipero Serra, founder missionary statesman and evangelizer of California whose activity counts for many landmark institutions, etc in California, including the incipient beginnings of the very much celebrated Stanford. This great Franciscan churchman who was beatified in 1988 by
St John Paul II has now been canonized a saint of the Roman Catholic Church by Pope Francis who passed his cause without asking for a miracle.
Anyway his sainthood has always been lived by all and has always given a lot of very good fruit to the Church. The ceremony entered into canonization action when the Cardinal Archbishop of Washington asked the Pope to canonize their candidate and have him inscribed on the official Church catalogue of Saints. Then the postulator ( pleader ) of his cause came forward to read the biography of the candidate. It was indeed a life full of profuse heroic deeds! After, the Choir led the singing of the Litanies of Saints in Latin. Then the Pope, seating in an ex-cathedra capacity, was given his crosier and had the miter placed on his head and read the rite of the canonization formula. There were mighty cheers and ululations to accompany the Pope's historic pronouncement. Then a group of lay Christians carried the relics of the new saint and presented them to the Pope.
In the sermon the Pope, encouraging the faithful to move by the new saint's example, told the vast congregation always to be on the move forward and to devote service to others.
Moving forward to thank the Pope after Mass, the Cardinal Archbishop of Washington expressed sincere gratitude to the Pope for his action. He also informed him of the unviersality of the Church in Washington Archdiocese where numbers from all the five continents of the globe are actively engaged in Church activity. He further outlined the history of the Church in Washington and its paramount achievements like the construction of the Basilica and of the Catholic University of Washington.
In return, the Pope presented to the Archbishop a special gift and gave the final blessingwhich was followed by a Papal present to the Holy Virgin Mary, which was a rosary the pope placed at the feet of the holy statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary in front of the Basilica.
Very many American dignitaries from all walks of life were present at the canonization ceremony.
Dr G.H. Kkolokolo ( Paris / France )
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