Obama is an unindicted war criminal, a shameless demagogue, a serial liar, a moral coward, a disgrace to the office he holds.
On Sunday, CBS correspondent Steve Kroft interviewed him on 60 Minutes - giving him a prominent propaganda platform, everything pre-scripted, largely asking softball questions instead of holding a rogue president’s feet to the fire responsibly.
Not a chance on mainstream television, a medium for the proliferation of Big Lies on issues mattering most, notably when government officials or retired generals and admirals are interviewed.
Obama’s interview featured a litany of Big Lies and willful coverup of high crimes of state. America’s economy is deplorable. Protracted Main Street Depression continues, things getting worse, not better.
Obama bears full responsibility - exclusively serving Wall Street, war profiteers and other corporate favorites, willfully and maliciously thirdwordizing America, half the population impoverished or bordering it, the once prosperous middle class close to disappearing altogether.
Not according to Obama, insultingly saying: “(T)here’s no reason why…every single American, no matter what they look like, no matter where they come from…can succeed. And that's my goal as president. That's what I think about every day. And that's what led me to run for president in the first place.”
Rubbish!! His corporatist agenda exposes his war on ordinary Americans and fundamental freedoms, beginning on day one in office, continuing relentlessly. His goal: creating a nation of rulers and serfs, militarized for absolute control, tyranny by any standard.
He handed America’s wealth to Wall Street crooks and other corporate bandits, waged war on social justice, whistleblowers, and democratic freedoms. He’s been more ruthless than any of his predecessors, at home and abroad.
He’s waged multiple wars of aggression throughout his tenure - direct and proxy ones, responsible for millions of casualties, targeting Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Donbass, Yemen, and partnered with Israel against Palestinians - while letting homeland needs mattering most go begging, exploiting ordinary Americans ruthlessly, causing devastating harm to millions of struggling households.
He lied about his war on Syria, raping one of many countries on his watch, displacing half the population, causing a refugee crisis along with millions from other countries, devastated by US aggression, using ISIS and other cutthroat killers as proxies, US foot soldiers trained to commit atrocities, ludicrously claiming he wants America kept from becoming more militarily involved.
Turning truth on its head, adding: “We are prepared to work both diplomatically and where we can to support moderate opposition that can help convince the Russians and Iranians to put pressure on Assad for a transition…”
“(W)e are not going to…try to reinsert ourselves in a military campaign inside of Syria - ignoring US warplanes bombing Syrian targets daily on the phony pretext of striking ISIS, Washington’s ally, not enemy.
He’ll continue arming and otherwise supporting imported ISIS and other takfiri terrorists. No so-called “moderate rebels” exist, a convenient fiction endorsed by media scoundrels.
He spurned Putin’s overture to work cooperatively against terrorists in Syria, absurdly claiming his effective campaign is counterproductive, making things worse, not better - worse for his regional imperial agenda, what really concerns him.
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.
His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III." |
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