{UAH} Inaugural Mass for Synod on Family celebrated in Rome
The occasion was in St Peter's Basilica today Sunday ( 04/10/2015 ) at 10 am Rome time.
And naturally it was a concelebration presided by Pope Francis surrounded by over 300 bishops,
cardinals, and the oriental patriarchs. All prelates, including the Pope, were dressed in green and entered
the fully packed Basilica in a very long queue. The congregation sang the Litanies of Saints as the endless
line of concelebrants moved in. The very rich congregation included officials of the Italian government, diplomats,
parliamentarians and senators, distinguished observers and guests from all corners of the world.
Up on the altar the Pope was surrounded by five very eminent cardinals picked from each continent. Cardinal Napier
of South Africa stood in for Africa, there was also Cardinal André Vingt Trois of Paris and Cardinal Louis Tagle of the Philippines.
TV would regularly cast a glance at eminent Church personalities, among whom Cardinals Laurent Pasinya Monsengwo (Kinshasa)
and Francis Arinze (retired but invited to attend the occasion).
The readings of the biblical were carried out in five languages, including Swahili. In his long but very rich and highly instructive homily the Pope
axed on truth and charity as beong the cornerstone of a good and lasting married life. They will render love more applicable and have a sorry look
at an individual loneliness that would result from a broken family where a couple separates. Truth originating from the Creator had put together
man and woman as one single flesh to share one love and to avoid any aspects leading to much pleasure but without true love and much freedom
but without autonomy. He finally appealed to the Church not to forget her role of a Good Samaritan coming to the rescue of a fallen individual.
After Mass the pope moved to the portrait of the Holy Family and prayed there for a few minutes before moving away almost in a regular flash of lightning from the packs of cameras present.
At midday sharp he appeared in the window of his private study to recite the Angelus prayer and to address the capacity 200,000 pilgrims that had jammed St Peter's Square for the occasion and for saluting him on this feast day of St Francis of Assisi, his patron and also patron saint of Italy.
He spoke about the Synod and asked the crowds to pray to the Holy spirit to help the Synod Fathers deliberate cautiously and attentively from a spiritual
and pastoral points of view with intent to put in place the Creator's plan on man and woman as one in flesh. He commented on the sacrament of marriage as being a true giver of true love. Referring to the day's holy text whereby Christ stood up for children to come to Him without being hindered, the
Pope advised parents, teachers, and authorities to fulfil their obligation towards children. He expressed his concern for abandoned children and those
other young victims of civil conflicts and wars.
After reciting the Angelus he thanked the crowds for having turned up in such very great numbers. He mentioned some of the pilgrimages whose presence had been brought to his attention. Then he spoke about the 17 Cistercian nuns who were beatified in Spain Saturday ( 04/10/ 2015 ) as
holy martyrs who had been killed for their faith during the Spanish Civil War. He also took the opportunity to express deep sympathy to France for the
victims and damage caused buy very heavy rains in the south east of the country where they has been much devastation and loss of life.
Returning to his office, the Pope waved off the enthusiastic crowds reminding them not to forget to pray for him.
Dr G.H. Kkolokolo ( Paris / France )
Dr G.H. Kkolokolo ( Paris / France )
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