{UAH} Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan: A new generation? - The Washington Post
On the day after 44-year old Sen. Marco Rubio's smashing debate performance 45-year old Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) was elected speaker of the House. It is hard to overlook the confluence of these two events. Ryan replaced a speaker from 65-year old John Boehner; Wednesday night Rubio swatted down his friend and one-time ally, the 62-year old former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.
Rubio and Ryan have much in common. Both are policy wonks, both handle the media exceptionally well and both have respect from many sectors of the party. They share many of the same ideas, favoring a limited but vigorous federal government and a robust foreign policy. Both are strongly pro-life Catholics. Both favor a reform agenda, one that not only promotes growth but seeks to promote upward mobility.
It is a powerful statement — potentially — about the current state of the GOP. The contrast between the GOP's new leaders and Democratic leaders Rep. Nancy Pelosi (75), Sen. Harry Reid (75) and presidential candidates Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) (74) and Hillary Clinton (68) is stark. It is not age alone or even longevity on the national stage. As young parents, in tune with popular culture and digitally proficient Ryan and Rubio seem like the adults, while the Democrats seem like cranky, aging parents.
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