{UAH} Is the office of the DPP really independent?
So, the DPPs office is no longer independent but like the Police boss, takes orders from state house?!!! Otherwise why is the president so sure that the supposedly independent office of the DPP will prosecute the "Mbabazi boys"?! Why is the president so sure that these "boys" will suffer? Are they going to get due process and then suffer or are they going to suffer in some safe house" What does it tell the minions under M7 to do to what is perceived as M7 enemies when they see the leader of a country on air talking with so much ire about the actions of his opponents totally ignoring the actions of his own party members? He is discussing a case he hopes to come to court on live air like he wants to influence the process even before it starts!! As if to tell the judges "you had better think my way or else..."! By the way has he even ever mentioned the violence that was in the NRM primaries?! How come the actions of the the Kiboko squad have never drawn a whimper from him?!! Are the "anus of the leopards" the only real Ugandans who deserve their rights protected?!
Paget Kintu
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