{UAH} Mr Bwanika: compare and contrast Ugandan society in Kantian and Marxian philosophy
Mr. Bwanika:
You said something about Kant, which is excellent. Now go ahead and see Ugandan society in Kant and Marx's lenses. For example, when will Ugandan society-Ugandans- cure itself from what Kant characterized as self-induced immaturity? What did he mean by?
Then see some of the complaints in UAH about lack of collective action in Uganda to the point where most Ugandans only whine and take no personal reasonability. Is that not what Marx ordered and made him a darling of the masses?
What can be done to have both ideas going in Ugandan society? Kantian criticism of self-induced immaturity-for example, marrying off 13 year when they should be in govt provided UPE/USE, to produce babies without using free will to say, okay enough let us embrace family planning? Put differently how has Ugandans society's failure to heed Kant undermined the Marxian solution of the collective especially in UPE and USE?
Again step back, why it is that even with the largest pro poor program EVER developed in Ugandan society in UPE and USE many Ugandans including the poor without the means to afford private schools bash UPE and USE?
Again reflect on the contradiction. The govt tries to cure Ugandans from their self-induced immaturity by offering a Marxian solution, but the very Ugandans who are being rescued turn around and continue with their stupidity or in Kantian words self-imposed immaturity.
Why with USE and UPE-Marx's response to Kant-Ugandan society is more interested in marrying off 12 or 13 years kids to start producing babies until either death during labour or menopause?
I invite you to be rigorous in your take on Ugandan society. I mean what more do they need the public to provide? Granted roads may be lacking, but we hear from some in UAH that YKM is building roads. You live there is it true?
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