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{UAH} Mr Bwanika: compare and contrast Ugandan society in Kantian and Marxian philosophy





Intriguing how similar Kantian society reveals itself in today's Uganda society to some extent! What surprises me though is lack of elite philosophers to describe and write about our societies to develop concrete ideas about them.


One thing, Karl Marx and Immanuel Kant observed the absurdities in their societies and it is exactly these very acts that turned them into terrific philosophers and prolific writers.  Uganda has not reached the state into which 1700 and 1800 European societies were. Basically we do not have feudalism the type Europe had and we are bound with International regulations. The tinkering with the nation state, national economies and industrailisation is also misguided not well just looking for external instead of internal dynamics, politics and markets ;  this is a development misnomer take Kenya which is now almost on the same level like Uganda.  

And technology (leap frogs Afric) has evolved so much to an extent that traditional industries are being erased and replaced with small processing plants run by robots, largely reacting to high production cost, environment etc.  This too stops government to exart pressure on society innovation and taxation to solve standing issues thus state oppression of the masses is relative and very limited.


Kant saw a terrible social/moral decay and thought reason would prevail. This too has it limits, since it is not just a matter of acquiring knowledge and to the glorification of society- This might be a mileage as in USSR, today's violent America and European moral desert and mulitple social issues.

 Han. Rev. Lukoda is subject to litigation if he oversteps equally so are the individuals can be subjected to the same norm.

 Marx trashes all what is Kantian (poverty of philosophy) and very interestingly he zigzag his thoughts about it all. Consequently he lands on this one theory " communitarianism "  that would boomerang into full blown communism – analyzing letters and works  of Jean- Jacques Rouseau  talking about the romantic Asian societies ( Marx was a traditionalist proper) but missed the point that to have an Asian societies in Europe you needed moral uprightness  (Weberain Protest Ethics) espoused in Asia arts and moral ethical labyrinth  emerging as a social religious phenomenon: Buddhism, Confucianism, Shinto, Taoism


Interestingly Africans remain firmly traditionalist with a mix of christian/islam faiths and  – due to Tribal and clan affiliation that saves them from totally diving into absolute Kantian society.


Interestingly in this age a new brand of religious enlightenment has emerged all over Africa – a mixture of Christianity and Africa religious beliefs not supported by the state as the case was in Europe and as still is in many East Asian societies with their brand of religioCultural faiths.


In a way Africa is swinging between Kantian and Marxian world view albeit unconsciously and being overtly childish abound.




Bwanika Nakyesawa Luwero

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