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{UAH} Edmund/Pojim/WBK: Court battles await Raila as he names Eurobond ‘thieves’ - Politics | Daily Nation

Court battles await Raila as he names Eurobond 'thieves' - Politics

Opposition leader Raila Odinga has named senior government officials he says should explain the mystery behind the missing Eurobond billions, setting the stage for court battles.

Mr Odinga named Treasury Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich, PS Kamau Thugge, Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) board chairman Mohammed Nyaoga, John Birech, Director, Financial Markets (CBK), Moses Muthui, Manager, Financial Markets (CBK), controller of budget Agnes Odhiambo, Bernard Muiruri Ndungu, (Chief Accountant, the National Treasury), Julius Kilinda, (Accounting Unit, the National Treasury) and former CBK governor Njuguna Ndung'u.

This comes after Mr Odinga promised to name individuals he claimed had stolen the money instead of channelling the Eurobond proceeds towards development projects.

The CBK board chairman, Mohammed Nyaoga, has already threatened to sue Mr Odinga for linking him to the missing billions saying maybe, Mr Odinga confused his name with that of Gerald Nyaoma who he said was involved in the Eurobond negotiations.

Mr Nyaoga said he has had no involvement with the Eurobond arguing that the 'allegations constitute reckless impunity and is a serious affront on my character and I will be taking action so that I can vindicate my character.'

"I am going to sue because I have built my profession for over 31 years so how can somebody with a microphone wash it away in five minutes," said Mr Nyaoga shortly after his name was mentioned.

On his part, former CBK governor Prof Ndung'u rubishhed the claims of his alleged involvement saying it was going to be a big battle.

"I can only talk through my lawyer because I am no longer the Central Bank of Kenya Governor," he said.

The controller of budget Ms Agnes Odhiambo said she was not in a position to comment on the issue.

Later, Mr Odinga, after announcing the list, told Mr Rotich and Dr Thugge to resign to allow immediate investigations into their involvement in the saga.

Court battles await Raila as he names Eurobond 'thieves' - Politics | Daily Nation

Sent from my BlackBerry 10 smartphone.

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