{UAH} What candidates promise women ( MASTERS OF DECIET!!!!)
One thing is for sure though: I don't get any wiser from their presentations? I don't see any concrete proposition.
What candidates promise women
The question of equality, and the girl child are major components in the political sphere. Presidential candidates say how they will handle the delicate matter.
Kizza Besigye
1. A new deal for Ugandan women: From Emancipation to empowerment
2. To accelerate women's economic empowerment and social protection, the government will:
3. Adopt and implement policies and actions to deliver gender-sensitivefinancial services, gender sensitive business development services, and increase the representation of women entrepreneurs in public policy-making.
4. Ensure that 15 percent of all sectoral budgets and local government budgets are committed to development and spending programmes that address the specific needs of women.
5. Dedicate 15 percent of all government supported loan programmes towards women and women owned enterprises, with a specialfunding window for women engaged in artisanal and value addition enterprises.
6. Give priority to women under the landregistration programme to increase the percentage of women controlling the land they cultivate from 25.5 per cent to at least 35 percent and increase the percentage of registered land from the current 7 percent to atleast 20 percent over the next 5 years.
7. To make political empowerment a reality, the FDC led government is committed to:
8. Eliminate the requirement for nomination fees for women contesting for political office at local council level.
9. Dedicate atleast 15 percent of the national budget for civic education towards civil society organizations working with women to achieve women's political and civic empowerment.
10. Increase the current funding allocation to political parties by a 10 percent allocation dedicated to the women leagues of all political parties eligible to receive public funding. This additional funding will be provided as a matching fund based on the recipient political party committing not less than 10 percent of their official allocation to thework of the party women leagues.
2. To accelerate women's economic empowerment and social protection, the government will:
3. Adopt and implement policies and actions to deliver gender-sensitive
4. Ensure that 15 percent of all sectoral budgets and local government budgets are committed to development and spending programmes that address the specific needs of women.
5. Dedicate 15 percent of all government supported loan programmes towards women and women owned enterprises, with a special
6. Give priority to women under the land
7. To make political empowerment a reality, the FDC led government is committed to:
8. Eliminate the requirement for nomination fees for women contesting for political office at local council level.
9. Dedicate atleast 15 percent of the national budget for civic education towards civil society organizations working with women to achieve women's political and civic empowerment.
10. Increase the current funding allocation to political parties by a 10 percent allocation dedicated to the women leagues of all political parties eligible to receive public funding. This additional funding will be provided as a matching fund based on the recipient political party committing not less than 10 percent of their official allocation to the
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
1. Emancipation (economic and political) of women in Uganda.
2. Improving access to justice. In order to improve access to justice, our resolve is to take justice nearer to the people.
2. Improving access to justice. In order to improve access to justice, our resolve is to take justice nearer to the people.
3. Come up with a Uganda Women Entrepreneurship Programme (UWEP) aimed at promoting a conducive business environment and building institutional and human capacities that will encourage and support the entrepreneurial initiatives of rural women.
4. Continue to protect the rights of women and girls through provision of services and programmes to promote maternal health, end child marriage and teenage pregnancy.
5. Continue sensitising and raising awareness, enforcing the law as well as providing support to communities to abandon FGM.
6. Implement affirmative action strategies in accordance with the constitutional and statutory provisions to enhance the empowerment of women.
7. Ensure the provision for gender and equity budget compliance in the
8. Public Finance Management Act 2014 is operationalised by Government agencies and institutions to integrate a gender perspective in their plans and budgets so as to ensure equal opportunity and benefit for women, men, boys and girls.
9. Harmonise domestic policies with regional and international processes that seek to enhance the status of women for strengthened collaboration and regional integration (EAC, COMESA, IGAD, ICGLR, AU and the UN).
10. Strengthen and expand pregnancy-to-birth education in health care and gender and social development functions of government.
4. Continue to protect the rights of women and girls through provision of services and programmes to promote maternal health, end child marriage and teenage pregnancy.
5. Continue sensitising and raising awareness, enforcing the law as well as providing support to communities to abandon FGM.
6. Implement affirmative action strategies in accordance with the constitutional and statutory provisions to enhance the empowerment of women.
7. Ensure the provision for gender and equity budget compliance in the
8. Public Finance Management Act 2014 is operationalised by Government agencies and institutions to integrate a gender perspective in their plans and budgets so as to ensure equal opportunity and benefit for women, men, boys and girls.
9. Harmonise domestic policies with regional and international processes that seek to enhance the status of women for strengthened collaboration and regional integration (EAC, COMESA, IGAD, ICGLR, AU and the UN).
10. Strengthen and expand pregnancy-to-birth education in health care and gender and social development functions of government.
Amama Mbabazi
1.A Uganda where the burden of unpaid care work on women and girls is redistributed and shared between men and women; the state; private sector and communities.
2. Both legislation and practice will be geared at eliminating all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls.
3. Communities where equity prevails and households where there is joint planning among the household members.
4. Universal access to sexual reproductive health that addresses the unacceptably high levels of maternal mortality, teenage pregnancies, transmission of STIs, HIV/AIDS.
5. Increased access to control over and ownership of resources and assets, including land, energy, credit, information and technology by women.
6.An end to child marriage.
7.A Uganda where girls and women are valued as individuals; where the same unwritten but inherent rights we afford boys and men are recognised for their female counterparts.
1.A Uganda where the burden of unpaid care work on women and girls is redistributed and shared between men and women; the state; private sector and communities.
2. Both legislation and practice will be geared at eliminating all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls.
3. Communities where equity prevails and households where there is joint planning among the household members.
4. Universal access to sexual reproductive health that addresses the unacceptably high levels of maternal mortality, teenage pregnancies, transmission of STIs, HIV/AIDS.
5. Increased access to control over and ownership of resources and assets, including land, energy, credit, information and technology by women.
6.An end to child marriage.
7.A Uganda where girls and women are valued as individuals; where the same unwritten but inherent rights we afford boys and men are recognised for their female counterparts.
1.Drastically reduce the high levels of maternal mortality and teenage pregnancies by ensuring all girls and women have access to sexual and reproductive health information and services.
2. Ensure, through our Advanced Sub-County Model, that all pregnant women (particularly in rural areas) have access to prenatal, antenatal and post-natal care.
3.Form partnerships with religious leaders, cultural leaders and NGOs to increase the level of community involvement in preventing Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) through intense sensitisation.
4. Together with our development partners, establish assault prevention training programs for girls and boys in secondary schools similar to the "No Means No" and "Your Moment of Truth" programs presently running in Kenya.
5. Avail a reasonable budget to SGBV reporting centres.
6. Equip health centres with functional SGBV handling units.
7. Support initiatives that promote access to and use of the legal system to address SGBV.
8. Develop gender equality indicators to facilitate planning, programming, monitoring, reporting and learning.
9. Institute regular gender audits for tracking compliance to the regulatory and policy framework by different actors.
1.Drastically reduce the high levels of maternal mortality and teenage pregnancies by ensuring all girls and women have access to sexual and reproductive health information and services.
2. Ensure, through our Advanced Sub-County Model, that all pregnant women (particularly in rural areas) have access to prenatal, antenatal and post-natal care.
4. Together with our development partners, establish assault prevention training programs for girls and boys in secondary schools similar to the "No Means No" and "Your Moment of Truth" programs presently running in Kenya.
5. Avail a reasonable budget to SGBV reporting centres.
6. Equip health centres with functional SGBV handling units.
7. Support initiatives that promote access to and use of the legal system to address SGBV.
8. Develop gender equality indicators to facilitate planning, programming, monitoring, reporting and learning.
9. Institute regular gender audits for tracking compliance to the regulatory and policy framework by different actors.
Prof Baryamureeba
1. Participation – all men and women should have a voice in decision-making either directly or through legitimate intermediate institutions that represent their intention. Such broad participation should be built on freedom of association and speech, as well as capacities to participate constructively.
2. Equity – all men and women should have opportunities to improve or maintain their well- being.
3. Rule of law – legal frameworks should be fair and enforced impartially, particularly the laws on human rights.
4. Streamliningrecruitment , training, promotion and retirement of the armed and security forces to ensure equal opportunity and merit while taking into consideration regional balance that embodies national character.
2. Equity – all men and women should have opportunities to improve or maintain their well- being.
3. Rule of law – legal frameworks should be fair and enforced impartially, particularly the laws on human rights.
4. Streamlining
Elton John Mabirizi
Providing interest-free start up loans (under $500) for Youth, Women and Pensioners
Abed Bwanika, Maureen Kyalya and Benon Biraro and do not have published positions on gender.
Abed Bwanika, Maureen Kyalya and Benon Biraro and do not have published positions on gender.
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