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{UAH} Besigye's oath and arrest displace Museveni's inauguration in world affections!

The Kololo swearing-in ceremony to inaugurate a sixth term of office for Museveni
is now condemned to a diminuendo in spite of the billions of shillings spent on it and the presence of a numerous group of presidents ( although many regretted Magufuli's presence there), etc... The whole thing is being systematically relegated to certain low grades as the interest has consistently been pinned on Dr Kizza Besigye's oath and the ensuing arrest and eventual detention in Moroto, a thing now turning him into a hero of some kind. The inauguration lacked some political satiety as the core of the ceremony itself was the action that brought to a foreground the three personalities who were at the black spot nucleus of Mbabazi's petition: Museveni,Kiggundu and Katureebe who is centred in unavoidably to justify other's mischief worked through an injustice. Now Museveni took his oath when Besigye was being thrown in jail in Mororto in a way that didn't expose any motive of his arrest nor the charges levelled against him. The oath went on as programmed but in an environment that was necessarily created to cause deep concern within the population : social medias blocked, the press put under duress and pressure not to write anything in favour of the opposition, and the overall political climate reported tense and under almost a stiff security aggression aimed not at protecting the visiting heads of state as such but at intimidating the population and especially the opposition whose force is a real threat to a man who won the presidential poll by a total 60% of the national vote!
Yes, this Mr 60% took his oath in spite of the protests from the overall civic society and foreign observers. And he dared the oath behind a bullet proof pane of glass!
He was of course surrounded by those other leaders who had been in power for decades and were not willing to pass it on to others even those from their own individual parties. Interesting to learn that among them was somebody who is wanted in real earnest by the ICC for a number of crimes placed on his head. And this gave an opportunity to Museveni to fire the ICC and its leadership, qualified as useless individuals. These remarks have toured the entire globe and shown how some Africans aren't at all serious-minded about anything. In any case such criticism against a human rights body shouldn't at least have come from a Ugandan leader when we all know that each time regime change has been carried out full reference and justification for its action has been echoed in light with things to do with human rights. Amin paraded the detentions without trial as a key motive for his coup. Those who overthrew him put accent on gross human rights violations under his regime. And so on up to those other incidents in the Luweero Triangle that helped Museveni's NRA to win international recognition. Human rights bodies are a very positive thing for Uganda and Africa, etc.. No wonder why Western diplomats felt uneasy when the negative was thrown at the ICC. And had to finally walk away when China and Russia were being praised and taken for Uganda's best friends! At this juncture of a controversial election showering praises to those Communist Block countries which have never come out so smartly to positively defend Ugandans in whatever they have gone through is something relating to a misnomer. Ugandans, always very modern in outlook and ambitious to succeed politically and ideologically in the most positive sense will, I'm afraid, have no minute to waste on any of those models that tend to look backwards and downwards! However the best positive we require from those models is what undoes dictatorship, corruption, human rights violations, etc. And short of that, no way to go with them!
Why is Besigye in detention and far away from his home? Has this got to do with his reported swearing-in which excited world attention somehow? Or with what some social medias have reported in reference to rumours of military groups within UPDF aligning with him for his protection? Or  reports of any intended announcement of a coalition government that would have looked very popular both locally and internationally? Or noises about the many messages to him from cross-sections of world opinion and even from some African leaders? Anyway, in any case Ugandans have now a duty to fight for the interests of the opposition including Besigye's release from prison. To abandon Besigye or any opposition guru in difficulty is to abandon oneself to the wolves. Besigye now is part of every peace-loving Ugandan including members of NRM.
News is circulating to the effect that Besigye is going to be accused of treason to the country! To which country? And what are the charges and acts of indictment?
If he took an oath as the elected president of Uganda, it's up to justice to study and examine the items put forward to justify his election. The man was denied any possibility of launching any legal action, every Ugandan knows this very well. He has called for other ways to justify how he won with 52%, I think it would have been fair to legally examine this claim. Any continued detention of Besigye is politically incorrect and strongly unacceptable! We are all one with the rest of the world to condemn this injustice!
And Ugandans should come out and show how they can't be simply intimidated or taken for kids. We are all equal in the eyes of our nation and we should ensure true justice to all!


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