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Fwd: {UAH} Fwd: Daring to Survive -- bringing the untold story to the public eye

Sorry I meant to say the book was authored by an african Mozambiquen.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------
From: "'pink.revolution' via Ugandans at Heart (UAH) Community" <>
Date: 06/05/2016 12:53 PM (GMT+07:00)
Subject: {UAH} Fwd: Daring to Survive -- bringing the untold story to the public eye

Here is a book by a Portugese author. He mentions idi amin briefy. A good read.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

in 362 pages Enter the world as uniquely seen, observed by its one major character who casts off his foreign-imposed overcoat and reports on  African cultures and civilizations and  describe the world of  witchdoctors as a PILLAR INSTITUTION that is there to stay despite the intrusion of Christianity and Islam.  This institution is so classical that it survived the adversities of history  through those of our people who were transplanted by the white men to another continent after being sold for trinkets by their  chiefs and other powerful individuals of their communities and has cropped up as curandeiros and macumbas in Brazil, Voodoo and Obeah in South Americana and the Caribbean.  In the journey the character mourns the lost world of Zobue seminary before entering and encountering the monstrous world of Farinha he has to exit from for freedom from the hate, stupidity and slavery characterizing that Orwellean organization.  It is a tale the monsters in Farinha would not like anyone to tell, but it has been told. In its we also catch the rare sight of Idi Amin in Nairobi.

Until it is published in New York for availability in  libraries and bookstores in Canada and the United States, it can be ordered  and obtained from Amazon United States and Amazon Global from the publishers and obtained from the publishers.  Information on how to get it can be obtained by entering DARING TO SURVIVE in Amazon books.

P.S. A novel based in the region of Mutarara is at publication stage, now being proofread.  In it Farinha is not called by its named but the Comrades.  We hear all about it through rumors, propaganda and counter-propaganda and later from Comrade Masango, a charlie tango (marxist terrorist) who is a broadcaster of the Sena Language  in the terrorist Voice of the Revolution Radio of the Comrades and who is forced to flee the Comrades and goes over to the Portuguese to save his skin because the comrades, Maoist to boot, want to kill him after describing him as a man who attempted to pervert their ideology and who insulted comrade SM who is  designated as Comrade Leader Number One as Pol Pot of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia  was referred his comrades.


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