A reader inspired this article, highlighting the mounting body count “in Clinton world,” naming several most recent examples.
Lots more preceded them, revealing the potential hazard of being associated with Bill and Hillary, then from knowledge of how they operate, going public or intending to, dying under mysterious circumstances.
Pravda provided a partial list of victims. Were they suicides as reported or murders? Cover-ups conceal full knowledge of what happened, dating from 1977 when Bill Clinton was Arkansas attorney general.
Suzanne Coleman allegedly shot herself in the back of the head in February that year. She was pregnant following an alleged affair with Bill, one of his numerous paramours over the years, Monica Lewinsky, Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey best known.
On August 10, 1991, journalist Danny Casolaro’s alleged suicide was likely murder. He was investigating drugs-trafficking, using Arkansas’ Mena airport. As governor, researchers accused Bill Clinton of covering up its use by CIA operatives and drug kingpins.
Ian Spiro was involved in collecting evidence in the so-called INSLAW Affair, involving the Justice Department as well as Bill and Hillary Clinton. After receiving numerous death threats, he, his wife and five children were discovered dead on November 8, 1992.
Knowledgable of and perhaps connected to the Whitewater land and money-laundering scandal involving Bill and Hillary, John Wilson was found dead by hanging in his home on May 19, 1993.
On July 20, 1993, deputy White House counsel, former Little Rock, AK Rose law firm partner, Hillary colleague while there Vince Foster died under suspicious circumstances, indicating murder though ruled suicide. He had inside information on crooked Clintons’ dealings.
On November 29, 1993, Edward Willey died by a gunshot wound to the head, husband of Kathleen Willey, former White House volunteer victim of Bill’s sexual advances. She accused the Clintons of murdering her husband.
On January 8, 1994, Bill Clinton “partying companion” Gandy Baugh died, or was killed, by a fall from a multi-story building.
On May 14, 1994, former wife of an Arkansas state trooper involved in a sexual harassment lawsuit against Bill Clinton, Kathy Ferguson, died from a gunshot wound to the head.
On June 12, 1994, her fiance, Bill Shelton, was found dead from a gunshot to the back of the head.
On June 24, 1994, lawyer Stanley Huggins, involved in investigating Whitewater crimes, died under mysterious circumstances.
On July 28, 1994, police informant Calvin Walraven, involved in the drugs trafficking trial of the son of then Clinton surgeon general Joycelon Elders, was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head.
On May 16, 1996, retired navy admiral Jeremy Boorda was found dead. Sources close to him believe he became a liability to the Clintons.
Ron Brown was Clinton administration commerce secretary. On April 3, 1996, he died in an “unfortunate” plane crash. Reportedly he was willing to testify against Bill Clinton’s wrongdoings.
On June 22, 2016, former UN official John Ashe died mysteriously the day before he was scheduled to testify against Hillary.
On July 10, DNC analyst Seth Rich was found dead near his Washington home, robbery not the motive, his valuables not taken.
On August 1, 2016, researcher, author of the hard-hitting Bill and Hillary trilogy, sharp critic of both figures, Victor Thorn was found dead from a gunshot wound to the head.
On August 2, Shawn Lucas was found dead. He was involved in a class-action lawsuit against the DNC and defrocked chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz over election-rigging.
It’s not wise being associated with the Clintons if deciding later on to turn against them. The body count speaks for itself. |
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