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{UAH} Bill Gates: 'Vaccines Are The Best Form Of Population Control...'

Bill Gates: 'Vaccines Are The Best Form Of Population Control...'

The answer to the population crisis maybe?

Posted by: Sam Meaghan  |@sam_meaghan
 on 22nd January 2016 @ 2.21pm
Music article image 1© Google

Parents have continuously refused vaccinations for their children in fear of what they could cause. Though for some small illnesses they may be necessary there has been a constant stigma against them due to the fear of the unknown chemicals that may secretly be getting injected into their children. Bill Gates has now said that he thinks vaccinations could be the answer to both problems of over-population and Global Warming. 

Anonymous reports: Vaccines are one of the biggest public health victories in human history. People are exceedingly reliable to it for eradicating illness and reducing the incidence of new infections of diseases such as polio, diphtheria, measles, rubella, rotavirus and many others.

However, despite this public health success, irrational anti-vaccine sentiments based on ignorance and fear mongering continues to exist. They do more harm than good. Vaccines and general improvements in health care availability increase the living standards of individuals.

But what Bill Gates is trying to say here is opposite to what we think about vaccines.

Bill Gates admits that the vaccines are for human depopulation. According to him, to stabilize the world population, 350,000 people must be eliminated per day.

Bill Gates expound on how we must all consent to a 'kill the humans' strategy, to 'save the planet' from the carbon dioxide we make. See his lips move. I'm not kidding.

Allaah gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him."And if Allah touches you with harm, none can remove it but He, and if He touches you with good, then He is Able to do all things." (6:17)

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