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{UAH} Kasese investigations a waste of time

Dear fellow Ugandans..

I have sat down and listened  to all the nonses  going on in Kasese at present with investigation and all i can say is that leave the people of Kasese alone.

1. These people need time to heal from the wounds cause by govt

2. They need time to grief for their beloved dead ones plus those on jail of whose destiny is very unclear.

3. They need space free from anybody from MRM camp talking to them given the humuliation to their king..a man...and thier women by stripping them naked

4. The government sending its delegates  to talk to the locals to day after they have killed as they wish to me is like rubbing chili or kamulali in their hearts.
Why did they not involve the local before they kied their children.

Even theae NRM supporters shame is at their door. Humiliation was brpught to all people of Bukonjo not the king.

Divide and rule peinciple at work its going to leave permanent enemity.
Opposition members are being hunted for. Not allowed to talk  freely they shouted at by NRM members. What is the point of talking to the wounded when your not giving them a chance to talk freely.

The best thing the govenme to be thinking of ia releasing their king first. Negotiate with the king to lead the prosptect of unity. The fact that the king is still in prison. Their children arrested in Nalufenya . Others innmilitary hospitals of whose destiny is unclear. What will talks achieve. Aggression only is what you will feel when you visit the place.

The biggest mistake this govenmebt has ever don was to attack the king anf humuliate him . Kill his royal gaurds. Kill children. STRIP naked women. There is no way this can ever be forgiven noe forgoten. Its also continuing to give false confidence to NRM supporters in the area to give false information over Kasese at the end of the day all the finding will remainnof paper.

How my visits or  talks took place prior attacking the king and royal palace. Did they achieve anything or they remained on paper?

The needs of the people of Kasese are the crucial issues that the govt should be focusing on on to meet them rathe than wasting time with talks which will remain on paper and no action.
.The culture of blame must stop. This will trigger another fight among the locals  of which could be even more disaatrous. M7 mustbplay his cards here otherwise the people might end up killing each other over their king.

People love the king not M7. Theybmade it clear.   and they were happy to live under their kings guidance. All M7 would have don is respect  they wish support the king to keep his people comfertable within their set of environment which they feel suits them.

He use of force that they must abide by what he wants or says (M7) is not acceptable nor will it work.
The damage NRM has suffered over this kasesr incident if a good one...Muhoozi knew is doing great to clear all the Washenzi...but its gonna cost them their positions jn the near future.

Having a gun is awaste of time it wont save you in all aspects. Where was Agaba gun... jor Kajubili...where are her legs... treat people with respect and humanity...for you to leave happily.

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