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{UAH} Hon Sekitoreko Vs Hon Akol private Age limit as a private bill bribery

Dear fellow Ugandans

Am sure u have been following the Sekitorekos version of not being in Jinja of recent over the bribery for Age limit removal.

Accordinf to Hon Akol he was called by Hon Sisy the Lwengo MP to duscuss the Crisis of food security. 

On arrival the chapter changed to having heavy lunch and heavy breakfast

Then they feared to sit and discuss in any room with a camera.

Then they changed venues.

Then private talks to Managind Director of sugar factory. Then one milion is ussued with no sugnature of receipt. 
Then  abag of sugar is given with no sugnature of receipt. 

Now the biggest questions i have here is that 

1. Why should our Mps be spending time in hotels...restuarants...sugar factory moving here and there as if they have nothinf to do for the country.

2. Why should money be offered without accountability...

3. Whý should a managing director offer Mp 1m and a bag sugar  yet he presenting issues affecting thw factory and needed to move the factory...implying he was jot making enoughnprofit yet his there dishing out 27m to Mps.... they never signed for the money given how does the manging director account for his company if at all it was him.who offered out the money?

4. Why does Sekitorwko deny that he was in office all day yet he was spoted  in jinja talking to Mps about briefely the Age limit lift for the president to rule for life..
5. Why did Hon sisy call Hon Akol to food security meeting then change it to something else if Sekitoreko private bill.

6. Are we having Mps really inmparliament to work or just to stick to M7 songs ... arw our Mpr serious at all...

we have Mohammed Nsereko who chose to tell lies the country that Mps qere called Pig... then chose to begave like them...during the EALA election... are we having a parliament with MPs or just bodies in the August house... are we seriously veing represented in parliament with Mps focus on non issues than issues concerning people.... 

Hon Akol your totally a true son of Uganda. Thank you for telling the Ugandans what exactly our Mps are spending money on and are not serious in issues concerning people who voted them.

Also why is Hon Sekitoreko being guarded by Police or kifeesi as we call them now days... we nolonger have good police....those we see are just a bunch of killers than peace promoters for ordinary people. 

Who is Hon Sekitoreko.... how does he stand to present this age limit bill...what is he going to benefit from it...apart from.M7 and his family...may be the police guards he has behind his back but that is only temparaly

a sugar factory offer one million to guests and a bag of sugar  to 

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