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{UAH} Kakooza Mutale attacks Museveni’s government over land grabbing

Kakooza Mutale attacks Museveni's government over land grabbing

Kakooza Mutale attacks Museveni's government over land grabbing

Senior Presidential Assistant on Political Affairs Rtd Maj Roland Kakooza Mutale has said that President Museveni's NRM government should be ashamed for presiding over land grabbing in the country.

Maj Mutale who is popularly known for training youth and overseeing them as they cane opposition supporters during presidential campaigns said the president has failed to fix the land issue.

Maj Mutale who said the president has appointed him to investigate land issues in Nakaseke said the children of revolutionaries can't be evicted yet the government brought t by their parent s is still in power.

"President Museveni has tried his best to setup different offices to handle land matters but the land wrangles in the country are a thorn in the NRM revolution. You cannot start arresting and evicting children of the revolutionaries when we are still in power," a tough talking Maj Mutale said.

Maj Mutale castigated the people he described as "powerful individuals in the army and government" for grabbing land from the powerless asking "where do you want these children to go" he asked.

Maj  Mutale cited Luweero Triangle as an example of land grabbing where many families have been left homeless after their land was grabbed by powerful individuals in government. When asked to name the powerful people, Maj Mutale told journalists to go and investigate.

The no-nonsense NRM cadre was speaking during a stakeholders meeting in Nakaseke Town to discuss the persistent land evictions in Nakaseke District.

Maj Mutale who didn't have kind words for judicial officers added that most of them are aiding land grabbers by causing the arrest of the bonafide occupants.

The tough talking veteran UPDF officer directed law enforcers including the police to stop the arrests of residents over trumped -up charges of trespass.

"These people should simply record police statements and be allowed to go home. If the statement process is incomplete, they can be summoned the next day," said Mutale.

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