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{UAH} 'Severe lack of water' in Maiduguri refugee camp

Robert Atuahirew/Mayimuna/Afuwa Kasule,

13 Million people are facing starvation RIGHT NOW as I write to you and many will die. And they are nearly all MUSLIMS, apart from South Sudan, where 1.5 million are affected.. 

These 10 Million victims and more do not want to die. They want to LIVE, just like all human beings.

Look at Maiduguri below, a city I have visited twice in the past. There is no need for a single person to starve to death in Maiduguri, but why are they starving? Nigeria has got a food surplus right now, so why are muslims in Nigeria starving?

The Countries affected by this intolerable suffering are the following:

1. South Sudan
2. Nigeria (North)
3. Somalia

Apart from South Sudan (which is itself still trying to rise up from centuries of Islamic oppression, the others are Muslims.

Does it not break your heart that this intolerable human suffering is being caused by individuals who want to create an Islamic Caliphate or Paradise On Earth? What sort of paradise will they create, if this is its precursor? A Paradise of Lakes and Rivers of Blood and Mountains of Skulls and Broken Bones???


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