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Edward irundrua

Here is a debate on the garbage you wrote on the liberation war hero Major Edward Rurangaranga WHICH HAS SURFACED ON FACEBOOK ON A NUMBER OF FORA. . Mr Semuwemba has a habit of posting debates here to other fora, most times even without letting the author know that his opinions are being debated elsewhere. I have been a victim of this very many times. I wake up in the morning, only to be told people are debating something that i have written here on UAH, but which has suddenly appeared on another forum. But you can see from the debate here that no body will swallow the diaorhea you have written about Major Rurangaranga. The man is being buried  today as ONE OF the greatest heroes of the UPC and as a great Ugandan patriot and nationalist whose memory will live in the hearts of many. His indefatigability unbreakable determination  and commitment to duty will remain a shining beacon, guiding all of us to our goal- which is the destruction of the Rwandan regime of occupation and the total liberation of our country. I am sure Major Edward Rurangaranga is smiling at us, wherever he is, wishing us well  and urging us on in this life and death struggle we engaged in. . Our promise to him is that we will not let him down. We will end Rwandan aggression,  punish kayibanda Museveni and his Ugandan quisling supporters and hired thugs,  and set our people free.



Rurangaranga should have been thrown to the Dogs and eaten piece by piece already. This man has sat in Uganda all this long and he failed to be arrested let alone charged? And for some very unknown reason, I even thought he was dead long ago, this is a man that simply did not deserve to walk free. The man just did not have that right. Honestly who stands for his victims? Rurangaranga murdered people from a home to a home and he has lived this long without any one charging him for murder? Seriously ? Who else is still out there? And talking about the Muslims he butchered, why didn't the Supreme council go after him, for at minimum he butchered Moslems officially?

BY EDWARD MULINDWA Rurangaranga should have been thrown to the Dogs and eaten piece by piece already. This man has sat in Uganda all this long and he failed to be arrested let alone charged? And fo…
Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey Idiots like Mulindwa are the ones who make people make sweeping generalising statements about the the Baganda. 

Seriously, Mulindwa, can you substantiate your wolokoso about this man, Edward Rurangaranga ( for some reason best known to yourself, y
ou chose to call him Chris Rurangaranga). 

Why are the Baganda people so consumed by wolokoso, by hatred of Ugandan nationalists, by envy, etc. 

When did you see Rurangaranga killing people from home to home; where did this take place, who are your witnesses, etc
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 · 20 hrs
Birungi Henry
Birungi Henry sunday u shld not really wast time on such stupid pipo, who even doesn't know what to tok about rurangaranga, iwish he went to mitoma and spoke that nosense and see what wld happen to him, embwegii.
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 · 19 hrs
Margaret Kirunda
Margaret Kirunda He is lying and he knows it.
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 · 19 hrs
Omara Etap
Omara Etap Such bigots are remnants of feudal concepts heavily embedded in some societies where feudalism is still valued.
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 · 12 hrs
George Okello
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Lwanga Christopher
Lwanga Christopher Atleast;i attended body viewing at Uganda House;Parliament&All Saints Church service!And above all;the final send off in Kitagata.I have just arrived from there!I declined to sit at the high table and opted to be mobile&mingle with the rest.I didnt come across any extreme view against the late.The mourners are even happy that a political successor has addressed and put us on stand-by for 2021!Thanks.
Image may contain: 1 person, standing and outdoor
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 · 20 hrs
Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey Much appreciated, Bro Lwanga
 · Reply · 18 hrs
George Okello
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Margaret Kirunda
Margaret Kirunda Thank you for representing all of us Lwanga.
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 · 19 hrs
David Williams Eram
David Williams Eram Chris, you mean a family political successor, or?
 · Reply · 18 hrs
David Williams Eram
David Williams Eram Sunday Geoffrey, you are always educating us the young ones on thus kind of matter. What is your say on the narrative that Comrade Major Rurangaranga was involved in the killing of Muslims in Bushenyi and Ankole?
 · Reply · 18 hrs
Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey Maj Edward Rurangaranga was one of the commanders in Kikosi Ma'alumu, who had Tito Okello and Oyite Ojok as the two senior Ugandan soldiers. 

They went to Masaka and Kampala. 

He was not on the group that went to Mbarara. This was under Museveni's group. It's the group that went and killed people in Mbarara. Immediately they got the information that Museveni had caused a massacre, they dispatched a bigger group of Tanzanians helped by Rurangaranga to go and stripe Museveni of his authority. The Tanzanians took over and with Rurangaranga as the local commander towards Bushenyi, and Mpambara as the local leader towards Former Kigezi. They were scared what Museveni will do if he went to Bushenyi or Kabale. Museveni reappeared in Fort Portal...

However, the damage had already been done. The group under Museveni destroyed mbarara even when the Amin solder had already withdraw and ran. This group killed the Muslim on the way towards Bushenyi...this forced the Tanzanians to take over overall command of the western axis 

Funny enough, Museveni destroyed the palaces in mbarara and Fort Portal.
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 · 18 hrs · Edited
David Williams Eram
David Williams Eram There as been suggestions flying on social media that he killed Muslims in Bushenyi, even Samson mande corroborated it.
 · Reply · 18 hrs
Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey No... That is a lie. 
Amin solders tried putting up a stiff resistance in Ishaka. That is when they were overwhelmed by the Tanzanians.

In Bushenyi, Amin solders were locally referred to as "kikito or kijambia". They had no where to hide. They cursed people...they were forcing people to give them civilian clothes as they threw their uniforms. 

The danger was in Ishaka. We had some fanatical Muslim supporters of Amin in that town (predominantly Baganda and Nubians) and they wanted to join the Amin solder and they were slaughtered by a superior Tanzanian group.
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 · 14 hrs · Edited
Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey Samson Mande is therefore corroborating wolokoso... 
My grandfathers home is right next to the Banyankore Kweterana coffee factory between Bushenyi town and Rusinya St Kagwa...before you reach Ishaka town.
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 · 17 hrs
Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey Samson Mande is NRA... these are the people who got a PhD in telling lies to embellish their credentials and they did that to create hatred from unsuspecting public against anyone in UPC.
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 · 17 hrs
Mubiru Medad
Mubiru Medad Mande will never tell a lie. You don't know Samson. In NRA, there are people like Amanda Mushega and Ruhakana Rugunda who are down to earth men, impeccable and honest. When they say something, it's true.
 · Reply · 10 hrs
Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey He is a liar... If he is saying that this man killed people in Bushenyi. That is a criminal lie
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 · 9 hrs
George Okello
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Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey The Battle in Ishaka lasted about 1-2hrs... Nonstop. 
There was no battle in Bushenyi
 · Reply · 17 hrs
Ford Ogwang
Ford Ogwang Sunday Geoffrey Now that u still live, kindly write for us a book. Too much distortion of the truth out here. Nothing to counter
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 · 15 hrs
Mujuni Philipp Hilary Kahonaho
Mujuni Philipp Hilary Kahonaho We pray for him too that God may reconcill with him and rest him in peace he still remains ason of God though he killed you never know all this time spent on earth God gave him chance to repent thank you RIP
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 · 14 hrs
Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey The NRA arrested him on tramped up charges. They knew very well that he was a clean man. His crime is sensitising his people to reject and denounce NRA and Museveni. And because of that, a campaign was directed at the local political and religious le...See more
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 · 14 hrs
George Okello
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Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey This guy was a teacher by profession. He taught in Uganda and also taught in Kenya while in exile. He became speaker of the parliament of Ankole. He also became an Assistant District Commissioner to Eriya Kategaya in Bushenyi. He eventually became district Commissioner. Was made minister for local government. The he ran for parliament in 1980 and became an MP. Then appointed minister of state in the office of the Prime minister. 

When did this man kill the Baganda and Muslims? Where and what dates? 

The NRA made allegations against him and was thrown in jails from 1986-91. The Courts threw out the case against him due to lack of evidence, lack of witnesses and stated that the case was without any merit and was a witch-hunt. 

But you still have these thugs on line saying that he killed people... Including Lumumba Amin (Son of Idi Amin) who says he will rot in hell because he (Rurangaranga) used to make statements implicating his father in atrocities in Uganda. 

That is the class of mentally retards we are dealing with on this issue.
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 · 13 hrs · Edited
Margaret Kirunda
Margaret Kirunda Thank you Sunday Geoffrey! The truth shall set us free.Thank you for silencing the real murderers.
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 · 12 hrs
George Okello
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Omara Etap
Omara Etap Am told rurangaranga even challenged museveni to a public trial so that the people of mbarara n Muslims could themselves identify who killed all know the NRA declined such a contest.we cannot continue entertaining this type of nonsense and propaganda against African hero.whoever these people write for must be exposed.
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 · 12 hrs
Frederick Kibbedi
Frederick Kibbedi Those sweeping statements were meant to politically benefit others. But Ugandans don't research and would ride on baseless rumours. See the contradiction in his statement. If the relatives of those 'killed' could not raise a finger at him, neither should you because those are just allegations.
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 · 11 hrs
Han Edison
Han Edison Why do you defend birds of the same feathers?
 · Reply · 11 hrs
George Okello
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Lwanga Christopher
Lwanga Christopher David Williams Eram;yes the political successor Cde.Masiko!At a clan level of Abagizi;he had already got a successor who has been in close working relationship with the Party and Government.At family level ,we are sure that matters shall be handled and formally we are there already.So family,clan&politics is catered for.There is general consensus to keep the legacy of late flowing.They are only concerned with the big shoes the late has left behind who can effectively put them on!
 · Reply · 11 hrs
Rashid Ibraheem
Rashid Ibraheem May he face the great wrath of Allah. And Rest In Pieces.
 · Reply · 11 hrs
Oruk Charles
Oruk Charles You are the one who will rest pieces when you die for judging a man who you failed to take to court and adduce your evidence against him. What you are doing to the soul for this man who died mysteriously is political terrorism.
 · Reply · 9 hrs
George Okello
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Han Edison
Han Edison Who of you was mature enough to give an account of his conduct during the UPC regime? Remember people have the history at heart.
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 · 11 hrs
David Williams Eram
David Williams Eram Edison, do you dispute Sunday Geoffrey's view on this issue. He has practically laid everything to bear. He is telling you the courts acquitted him, what more evidence do you want?. Do you know how much the judicial officers of the time were interested in condemning UPC members?
 · Reply · 10 hrs
Achoroi Charles
Achoroi Charles To be a murderer or hero is difficult to tell depending on which side u a and when
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 · 11 hrs
Margaret Kirunda
Margaret Kirunda They have a hidden agenda.
 · Reply · 11 hrs
Jibidayo Omara
Jibidayo Omara You will also go the same way with all that bad heart and u both meet/answer to your Creator.
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 · 10 hrs
Kuloba Wanutu
Kuloba Wanutu Why dont these malicious hypocrites mention the real killer currently residing in state hse? Even some of the victims families are still alive! Your hatred for UPC is misguided as its the father and mother party of Uganda
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 · 7 hrs
Margaret Kirunda
Margaret Kirunda These are the same people who killed Bananuka,UPC Secretary General and his family.These Idd Amin supporters hunted Bananuka's family like animals, killed them in broad daylight and left their bodies to be eaten by dogs. Bananuka's sons were mere school boys, what crime had they committed to deserve such a cruel death? Those were the Nubians and Moslems of Ankole. They killed many Ugandans during Amin's regime and are now accusing an innocent man falsely. May God judge you harshly.
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 · 6 hrs · Edited
Kumakech Collins Erickson
Kumakech Collins Erickson Museveni was with them and nobody talks of those killings because they fear him now in the whole of western Uganda it was kikosi malum of museveni fighting and killing the UPC and government employees
 · Reply · 55 mins
George Okello
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Oruk Charles
Oruk Charles There are people who enjoy blaming UPC and members for all the wrongs in Uganda yet they forget their contribution on the same. A murderer cannot be allowed to live freely without putting him to jail for life. The people who always run to blaming UPC are those looking for cheap popularity and sympathy.
 · Reply · 6 hrs
Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey The only thing that some people in Bushenyi talk about Edward Rurangaranga, was that he bloody brought a bigger town near them and it swallowed their land. 

He championed the bigger Bushenyi-Ishaka Municipality. In doing so, People who had land withi
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 · 6 hrs · Edited
Kumakech Collins Erickson
Kumakech Collins Erickson But he never took the land for himself why on him now
 · Reply · 59 mins
Sunday Geoffrey
Sunday Geoffrey Collins... This man gave 10 acres of his own land free to the government to build a hospital near his home place. He was nationalistic in approach and looked at the bigger public good. 

Bushenyi is what it is because of this man. Today, Bushenyi-Ish
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 · Reply · 33 mins
George Okello
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Augustine Oryema
Augustine Oryema people are saying the man is a killer, He killed who?, he killed people with now names, that is why he can't be charge in the court of law.Keep your deams alive.
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 · 3 hrs · Edited
Muzafaru Matovu
Muzafaru Matovu True he killed Muslims 1979
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 · 3 hrs
Augustine Oryema
Augustine Oryema He killed muslems with no names that is the resons no one can charge him in the court of law. roumers and speculations is a trial by public and got no place in the court of law, how many muslems he killed and what are their names.
 · Reply · 1 hr · Edited
George Okello
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Alex Ario Riolexus
Alex Ario Riolexus Hogwash, sowing politics of hatred will take you nowhere
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 · 3 hrs

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