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{UAH} Mujuru 'unaware' of transitional govt talks for Zimbabwe

Mujuru 'unaware' of transitional govt talks for Zimbabwe

2017-11-16 13:57

Harare - Former vice president of Zimbabwe Joice Mujuru said on Thursday that she was unaware of talks about a transitional government. 

Mujuru, who is currently the presidential candidate for People's Rainbow Coalition, was speaking at a press briefing in Harare about the current situation in the country. 

This followed a situation described as a "coup", after the Zimbabwean Defence Force put President Robert Mugabe under military guard and seized control of the state broadcaster.

Mujuru said in a short press briefing that the only way Zimbabwe could transition was "through free, fair and credible elections".

"We are at a time where peace can only be realised through maximum constraint," she said. 

"It is time to reflect as we seek to rebuild and reconstruct our beautiful country of Zimbabwe.

"What divides us as a nation is smaller than what binds us," Mujuru said. 

She refused to comment on the current situation in Zimbabwe, and about the military having taken control of key government buildings in the city. 

Mujuru said she would be attending a meeting on Saturday with other war veterans to discuss the way forward for the country. 

She said the veterans fought for a free Zimbabwe, where each man had one vote, for a country with no racial discrimination and for land. 

"We fought for a democratic and inclusive government," she said. 


Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower

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