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{UAH} Mugabe under 'heavy guard' as situation deteriorates in Zim

Mugabe under 'heavy guard' as situation deteriorates in Zim

2017-11-15 09:25

Harare - President Robert Mugabe is under heavy guard after soldiers have cordoned off the parliament building and the defence headquarters as the security situation deteriorates in the southern African country.

Two journalists have reportedly been hospitalised after they were allegedly assaulted by the military while covering the unfolding events in the Zimbabwean capital.

The recently renamed international airport has also been sealed off. No official comment has been issued by authorities thus far.

The American embassy has also issued a warning to its citizens to stay indoors.

More to follow.....


Gwokto La'Kitgum
"Even a small dog can piss on a tall building" Jim Hightower

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