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{UAH} MPs remove age limit BUT add tow term limits


According to the press, parliament easily passed to remove the upper age limit to pave way for YKM.  But parliament also added a clause reintroducing the five year tow term limits for future presidents.

From where I stand, the tradeoff is fine.  Things could have been worse. Now Ugandans can at least plan that post YKM, the two term limit applies. 

Parliament should have done the same thing on age limits. Grandfather in YKM but let the 75 age limit stand post YKM.  It is an issue the opposition should have pushed.  But chose not too even when they knew the motion would pass. 

Yet no opposition MPs tried to introduce such a trade off, concede age limit to YKM but maintain it in the future.

YKM himself should think about it. Bring another motion to parliament now that he got his wish but insert a clause that the age limit removal ONLY applies to an incumbent president. In other words the age limit should only apply to YKM and not his successors.

In politics or legislation you engage in tradeoff. MPs wanted money. They ate. But could have done better for the country.

QN: did the opposition take stand on the reintroduction of the two term limits? 


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