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{UAH} Trudeau calls returning ISIS terrorists “extraordinary voices in our community”

December 19, 2017

Trudeau calls returning ISIS terrorists "extraordinary voices in our community"


During an end-of-the-year interview with CTV, Justin Trudeau made outrageous comments about the ISIS terrorists who are coming back to Canada after killing and raping in Syria and Iraq.

We know of at least 60 such terrorists, and there are likely much more, since the ISIS stronghold has been rooted out.

And here's what Justin Trudeau said about them:

...someone who has engaged and turned away from that hateful ideology can be an extraordinary powerful voice the community.

"Turned away from that hateful ideology"? How does he know that? Because they said that, in order to be allowed to come home? So the word of a rapist and a murderer is good enough — not just that, but to be a role model, an example to the community?

Our criminal code has provisions against terrorism, and specifically, provisions about even travelling to join a terrorist group, even if you don't shoot a bullet or rape anyone.

But Trudeau is just fine with them coming back and saying, "My bad, I'm cool now, pass me the welfare."

Lisa Laflamme asked Trudeau about his payment and public apology to Omar Khadr — $10.5 million to a convicted, confessed terrorist, war criminal and murderer. Remember, Trudeau made that payment in secret, so that the families of Khadr's victims couldn't get access to the money in their civil lawsuit against him.

I'll show you his response.

That in itself is an atrocious scandal.

But that's your Canadian prime minister...

NEXT:'s Joel B. Pollak joins me to talk about reports that Trump's new National Security Strategy identifies efforts to push a climate change agenda as a potential threat to national security.

THEN: Last night, I interviewed free speech activist Pamela Geller at a big Toronto event (an interview we'll be bringing you later this week.)

David Menzies was there too, and comes on to talk about his encounters with protesters outside the venue.

FINALLY: Your messages to me!

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