{UAH} Fwd: Jazz musicians blending Jewish and African-American traditions; the forgotten world of badass Valeska Gert; mezuzah torn down on UCLA campus; more
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From: Tablet Magazine <digest@tabletmag.com>
Date: 11 January 2018 16:24:07 GMT
To: <bobbyalcantara94@gmail.com>
Subject: Jazz musicians blending Jewish and African-American traditions; the forgotten world of badass Valeska Gert; mezuzah torn down on UCLA campus; more
Reply-To: Tablet Magazine <digest@tabletmag.com>
Tablet Newsletter
January 11, 2018
Song of Songs Unorthodox
West Virginia Rabbi Joseph Hample and musicians David Chevan and Warren Byrd of the Afro-Semitic Experience
Theater & Dance / Elyssa Goodman
The Forgotten World of the Badass Valeska GertOn her 126th birthday, measuring the influence of the incomparable 'dance performance artist' who inspired entertainers from German Expressionism through to 1980s punk
Observance / Regina Sandler-Phillips
Gifts of the BodyAmending the Jewish take on organ and whole body donation
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