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Fw: {UAH} Toronto tragedy - Canadians with their heads with in the sand


I have gone through your writing and do agree with you 98% and the 2% margin of differences is negligible!

Not only have they kept quiet and buried their heads in the sand, they should know and understand that their non-mentioning of these heinous acts does not sanitise these acts, but rather; they are counted complicit  and conspirators via negligence and election of amnesia commissions.

Why is it that Muslims in this forum go mumu when it comes to a fellow Muslim found doing wrong things? In short, they are in full agreement and given the opportunity they would carry out the killing/s in my view.

Take for example the Muslims who paid Pres. UK a visit today and their main agenda was to Petition the removal of Amb. Peter Oginga Ogengo as Kenya's designate ambassador to Saudi Arabia in the guise that he will not fully understand the dynamics of KSA! A well experienced and qualified foreign service civil servant. All Kenya Muslim ambassadors have been complicity of mistreatment of Kenyans especially women working in the Arabian Peninsular in the guise of 'religious cultural norms'!

I have watched with interest when for example you posted the opening of space for women in KSA in driving, SILENCE very LOUD SILENCE followed to date! Whereas we were happy for them!!

Same on Palestine matters. A 2 state side by side solution must be found. The other day I saw Israelis saving Muslims from imminent slaughter by fellow Muslims and sending them to Jordan!

Happy Sabbath/Weekend;


----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Bobby Alcantara <>
To: ugandans-at-heart <>
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2018, 4:45:28 PM GMT+3
Subject: {UAH} Toronto tragedy - Canadians with their heads with in the sand



Here is an interesting story about the shameful way Canadians keep their heads in the sand and behave like headless chicken. I dont know if you can open it because other websites, including facebook,  have blocked it  claiming it has hate content.


On 22/7/2018, a muslim terrorist by the name of Faisal Hussain, aged 29,  opened fire on diners and pedestrians on Danforth Street in the Greektown area of Toronto City, killing a ten year old child, Julianna Kozis, and one other  adult and seriously wounding 25 others.


Since then, a video has emerged of  the shooter Faisal Hussain doing military training in Afghanistan and taking an oath of allegiance to ISIS. 


Despite this, the Toronto police and the Canadian authorities have refused to call this carnage a terrorist incident. Instead they have called it a "national security matter" and have now apparently buried it under the sand, claiming that Hussain was suffering from an unspecified mental illness. There is no more mention of the carnage by either the Toronto police or the Canadian security agencies. It is as if 22/7 was just a dream and chimera- a bad nightmare.


So what sort of country is Canada, people keep asking? Even the Canadians here on this forum are trapped in this venal  conspiracy of silence about Islamic terrorism breeding in their midst. They dont want to talk about the Toronto shooting, and yet they are the most vocal when terrorists carry out atrocities in the UK and other countries in the world. In their own country, they are mute and dont want to know.


Some, like Mr Ali Rajab, Edward Mo Irundrua and Mayimuna have even had the temerity to call me an "Islamophobe" for expressing my concern, alarm and sadness at the  ruthless killing of  10 year Julianna Kozis by a barbarian. They don't want me to talk about it, but I ask why not/ Why cant i talk about the senseless murder of a child in Canada when I can talk about the killing of children in Yemen, Syria, Nigeria and Afghanistan?


Cast your mind back to 21 September 2013 when the Westgate Mall in Nairobi was besieged and bombed by Somali Muslim terrorists. Edward Mo irundrua kept posting almost every minute of the day for the three days that the seige lasted. Sometimes he was writing as if he was there at Mall himself, making live broadcasts.  Day and night, Irundrua blamed president Obama for the actions of the Muslim terrorists, even when he could clearly see pictures of the terrorists being transmitted live on line showing they were Somalis and not Obama. But contrast Irundrua's actions that week to the terrorist atrocity that took place just a stone's throw away from his apartment in Wellesley Square in downtown Toronto. Instead of going to Danforth Street and making live broadcasts from there as he did at the Westgate mall in Nairobi, Irundrua is conveniently silent, as if he he does not want to know.  He is instead gyrating meaninglessly about American politics, on matters that do not concern him in the  least.


But it is not only Irundrua and the Canadian-Ugandan crew who  are putting their  heads in the sand and pretending that Toronto did not happen. It is the Canadian nation as a whole. From Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister who openly supports islamic terrorism, and once called returning Isis fighters as "foreign tourists" who will be a great asset in his "anti-radicalistion" policy. To the national security agencies who simply want to sweep the tragedy under the carpet. To the Toronto police who want to cover up the atrocity by falsely claiming that Faisal Hussain is a basket case or somehow mentally ill.


One can not help but draw the inescapable conclusion that Canadians are conspiring against themselves. As is usual when Islamic terrorist atrocities take place in Canada, the truth   won't be made public. A self serving and misleading statement will be made by Justin Trudeau to pacify the masses and directing the Toronto police what to say, which the servile Canadian media will promote. 

Is it any wonder then that the Canadian establishment political parties and the media  are no longer trusted by the public, who recently elected Mr Ford, a right wing nutter and openly avowed fascist as Governor of Ontario, of which Toronto is the capital?



Image may contain: one or more people, motorcycle, shoes and outdoor

Julianna Kozis, aged 10, below, victim of muslim terrorist Faisal Hussain above.

a person in a dress: Julianna Kozis, 10, of Markham, has been identified by police as the second victim of the shooting on Danforth on Sunday.

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