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Mr Rajab Ali/ Mayimuna/ Afuwa Kasule/ Semuwemba/ Edward Mo irundrua/ Ahmed kategega,


See here how muslims have reacted to an appeal by Amnesty International to the Kenyan authorities to spare the life of Ruth Kamande, a 20 year old Christian girl convicted and sentenced to death for the murder of her muslim boyfriend. Muslims have every right to criticise the work of Amnesty International, but criticising it for asking for compassion for a very young, vulnerable girl, who needs guidance rather than hanging, just shows you how Islam kills the common humanity in its followers. This reaction by Muslims clearly shows how backwards and vengeful Islam is as a religion.


Religion is supposed to be merciful and compassionate. Revenge just for the sake of it serves no purpose. What is to be gained from hanging Ruth Kamande? She is already serving a life sentence, knowing the enormity of the wrong she has done, in taking someone else's life. She should be given a chance to get rehabilitated and put on the right path. It is wrong to hang any 20 year old. Amnesty International is completely right to appeal for clemency on her behalf, and I hope President Uhuru Jomo Kenyatta listens. He must not surrender to the violent sentiments of a lynch mob.



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Prezo Nazlin Umar to Group Kenya

NO WAY!!! Religious bigots they are! Amnesty, please don't raise a religious divide on a criminal matter in Kenya.

'' She stabbed the deceased 25 times, and not in quick succession, but rather spaced it out, as if savouring it in pleasure.. She showed no remorse...she did not plead anger nor hurt while killing Farid.. '' Lady J Lessit.

Religious bigots they are! Amnesty, an organisation of #homosexuals and #lesbianism, an extension of #Zionism#apartheid and #oppression against Islam and Muslims. They are inactive, toothless dogs with no bite on the butchering worldwide of Muslims including women and babies as the genocide in #Palestine#Kashmir#Myanmar, etc....etc...!

A few years ago when I petitioned #Amnesty of my own gross unheard of systematic political persecution in Kenya, they said they were very sorry but referred me to Human rights watch, saying they don't handle individual cases. How are they now bothered about the killer of innocent #Farid , a murderous butcher she is??? This is clear discrimination against Muslims by Amnesty. They are illuminati, Zionist oppressors and bigots! Bloody well sue me!

Many men in Kenya have been killed by women and amnesty was quiet when they were handed out death sentences, except in this case where Farid was a Muslim and they jump like their asses caught fire.

They are also quiet at the thousands of extra judicial killings of innocent Muslim men, women and young boys in Kenya their persecution by police and death in illegal detentions, and many found later in mass graves. Where was amnesty then? Amnesty are religious bigots. Who funds them?? Illuminati Zionist dons like #GeorgeSoros. Bigots.

I wish I could say F#ck you but I can't. I am an honorable lady with high etiquette. Someone please say it for me.


This is where Mzee Jomo Kenyatta would have said #kumamazenuni and #Kumaninazenuni!! ðŸ˜‚😂😂 I miss the old dude for this. I was a little girl then and shocked but impressed by his speeches, such a powerful voice/and command. When will Uhuru adopt his fathers style?

Tukana watu Bwana Rais Uhuru Kenyatta! Tell Amnesty International Kenya will not be subject to colonial thinking. Should you dare depress this murdering butchers sentence expect a backlash nationwide from the Muslim population and friends of muslims unheard of in recent times.

This is an affront by Amnesty to our judiciary, our arms of prosecution, the police and our supreme Law, the constitution.

If Uhuru commutes her judgment he will not only be seen to oppress muslims, and favor a murdering beast because she was from his tribe, Kenyans can be nasty, they will troll our president calling him #mafisi😂

No discrimination in sentencing the killing of a Christian from that of a Muslim. #FaridsLifeMatters

Punda ime choka! DON'T YOU DARE MR. PRESIDENT! Love all your citizens equally. No favoring a murderer from your tribe for viciously killing a muslim. Sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose. Not less. Not more.


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