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{UAH} Kanye West needs care, not being put in front of the cameras



And one can argue that Kanye West actually belongs into the Oval office. I just get pissed with the lefties that know everything about every one, they know who can speak to the president and who cannot speak to him. And that is why Democrats have failed the black society for hey use it for the votes then turn around to demean them. Society was created to survive on talking, we talk to each other than beating against other. Donald J Trump was elected by those very very same people that were denied a right to go to the oval by the Obama regime. If he has reached in the oval and opened a door to Kanye West who the hell are you to question that offer? And I read this cry of Kanye West was a bad representative of blacks, well who told you that he walked into the oval office to represent all blacks? Well I think the blacks were represented very well by a first black president who held two terms and did absolutely squat for blacks.


And to you Barbra and you your Monkey face Barrack Obama, surely you are a reporter which is a great authority to create change in society, if you add in the Obama two term presidency, and combine those two abilities, this is what Kanye West stated that blacks needs in America and I quote "welfare, prisons, the 13th amendment, being misdiagnosed bipolar" tell me what the two of you have done for blacks to stop those problems. Surely between a  columnist and a two term president you must have something you have done for blacks. The Democrat party amazes me always on how it turns around and attacks its supporters, for one would expect them to rally behind this black man that has gone to the oval, yet they have attacked him too, and they still wonder how the African American support to Trump continues to grow.


May be blacks have been abandoned for so long by your irks that they can use a firkin bipolar.


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From: [] On Behalf Of Bobby Alcantara
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2018 11:32 AM
To: ugandans-at-heart <>
Subject: {UAH} Kanye West needs care, not being put in front of the cameras


Kanye West needs care, not being put in front of the cameras

Barbara Ellen

Barbara Ellen

The rapper's chaotic appearance with Trump reveals a human being who is mentally struggling. Time to lay off






Kanye West meets with Donald Trump at the White House.

 Kanye West meets with Donald Trump at the White House. Photograph: Saul Loeb/AFP/Getty Images

Kanye West's meeting with President Trump at the White House was definitely a spectacle, but funny? I didn't think so. West ranted non-stop about welfare, prisons, the 13th amendment, being misdiagnosed bipolar, his Make America Great Again hat being his Superman cape and more. Much more. Even Trump couldn't get a word in edgeways and just sat there with a face like a badly carved Halloween pumpkin. Occasionally, he'd nod as though West had said something extremely wise, but Trump is so desperate for celebrity support, he'd have Chucky from Child's Play around for tea if he could.

Afterwards, Trump's mouth said: "That was very impressive" but his eyes said: "Do we need the chloroform pad?" If Trump thinks you've gone too far, then it really is time to take a break. Indeed, West appears to be mentally struggling and has been for some time. For this reason, the cameras in the White House should not have been filming him. The same applies to West's chaotic Saturday Night Live performance a couple of weeks ago, where he launched into another confused diatribe about being bullied backstage, supporting Trump, running for president in 2020 and the damn MAGA hat/Superman stuff again.

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 Kanye says 'I love this guy right here' as he walks over and gives Trump a hug – video

In both instances, it wasn't funny, it was disturbing. If someone was behaving this way in the street, most of us would probably edge away and feel awful for doing so. So why is it acceptable to treat West as some kind of rent-a-ramble dancing bear, someone it's OK for liberals to laugh at? There is no justification at all – even West's support for Trump is couched in such Superman cape-themed oddness that sometimes it feels as though it's more of a symptom than an opinion. Right now, the people close to West seem to be doing a lousy job of looking out for him. To everyone else, how about keeping the cameras away for a while?


 Barbara Ellen is an Observer columnist

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