Without Evidence Against Kavanaugh, Media Focuses on ‘Limited Scope’ of FBI Probe
on October 1, 2018
With no new evidence that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh attacked Christine Blasey Ford at a high school party 35 years ago, the mainstream media has turned to attack an additional FBI investigation.
CNN reported that the investigation, which was requested by President Trump, is too restrictive in scope to get at the truth.
“New signs emerged Sunday that the administration is taking steps to make sure the probe is narrow and focused – as Republicans seek to forestall further delays to the confirmation process or another erosion of the judge’s position,” CNN reported in “New questions emerge over FBI investigation of Kavanaugh,” by Stephen Collinson.
Trump may have been “forced to reopen an FBI background check on Kavanaugh,” but “it is clear he is determined to get the process back on track in a strategy already inflaming partisan discord over the nomination.”
A “swift investigation” – the Senate has agreed to only a one-week interval – “would keep alive the effort to present GOP base voters with a generational deliverable and a solid conservative majority on the Supreme Court that could juice turnout for the midterm elections in November that are looking favorable for Democrats.
“But the extent to which the White House is controlling the process is likely to stoke fresh turmoil around a nomination that is already certain to trigger long-term political revelations.”
The Trump administration ordered the FBI to interview four people connected to the case – including Mark Judge, Kavanaugh’s longtime friend, and Deborah Ramirez, who accused Kavanaugh of exposing himself to her at a party at Yale during the judge’s freshman year there.
It did not restrict the scope to those four people, and Trump has said the agency has “free rein” to talk to whomever it needs to complete its work, and the White House, according to CNN, “gave the limited scope of the investigation to the FBI based on what the Senate asked.”
The White House showed its willingness to widen the probe when word emerged Monday that the FBI will interview Charles Ludington, a classmate of Kavanaugh at Yale, who NBC said “planned to give a statement to the FBI at its field office in Raleigh, N.C., “detailing violent drunken behavior by Kavanaugh in college.”
It then noted the FBI has not talked to Ford or her legal team again but does not explain that Ford was interviewed by the committee, and the investigation is to attempt to verify her claims.
USA Today framed the narrative succinctly in the lead to its story, “Brett Kavanaugh allegations: New questions swirl around reopened FBI inquiry” by Nicole Gaudiano.
“After a week in which some of the most explosive allegations ever lodged against a Supreme Court nominee were aired in public, this week begins with questions about an FBI investigation happening in private that could help decide whether Judge Brett Kavanaugh makes it to the nation’s highest court.”
“The question of whether the White House was interfering with the FBI investigation dominated Sunday talk shows,” USA Today wrote. “The White House said it was not.”
Then, under a subhead that read: “Last week’s drama,” Gaudiano wrote:
“In emotional testimony that riveted viewers Thursday, Ford told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that she is “100 percent” sure that a drunken, 17-year-old Kavanaugh pinned her down at a party in 1982, groped her and covered her mouth when she tried to scream. Kavanaugh, testifying after Ford, blamed the allegations on ‘a calculated and orchestrated political hit,’ fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Donald Trump and the 2016 election.”
Ford’s testimony was “emotional” and “riveted viewers;” Kavanaugh’s only “blamed the allegations” on a political hit.
Brian McNicoll
Brian McNicoll is Editor of Accuracy in Media. He is a former newspaper editor, think tank writer and Capitol Hill staffer, is a conservative writer and editor in Reston, Va.
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