A future without independent media leaves us with an upside down reality where according to the corporate media "NATO deserves a Nobel Peace Prize", and where "nuclear weapons and wars make us safer".   If, like us, this is a future you wish to avoid, please help sustain Global Research's activities by making a donation or taking out a membership now! Click to donate or click here to become a member of Global Research.  * * * By Stephen Lendman On May 10, House Dem Ways and Means Committee chairman Richard Neal subpoenaed Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and IRS commissioner Charles Rettig to release Trump's personal tax returns for the 2013-18 period, along with other returns for several of his businesses. Read more... By Philip Giraldi Israel's government favors its Jewish citizens through laws and regulations that are defined by religion. It in fact now identifies itself legally as a Jewish state with Christians and Muslim citizens having second class status. Read more... By Zero Hedge The new color scheme was chosen through a crowdsourced competition on the 57th Wing Commander Brigadier General Robert Novotny's Facebook page, with followers submitting many sophisticated designs and voting on each one, ending with the winning design: a Russian stealth jet color scheme. Read more... By Prof Michel Chossudovsky The trade war and the Iran sanctions regime are intimately related. Trump's tariff announcement was two weeks after the US administration's resolve to "push Iran's oil and gas revenues to Zero". Read more... By F. William Engdahl China faces a threat to its agriculture that could do far more damage to her political stability and economy than the escalating USA tariff war. In recent months cases of deadly African Swine Fever (ASF) among the pig population of the world's largest pig producer have forced drastic killing off of the pig population since cases were first detected last August. Read more... By John W. Whitehead They will find themselves overtaxed, burdened with excessive college debt, and struggling to find worthwhile employment in a debt-ridden economy on the brink of implosion. Their privacy will be eviscerated by the surveillance state. Read more... By Prof. Yakov M. Rabkin There must be other instances of ready compliance of corporations with the wishes of Western governments in the absence of court injunctions. This readiness brings to light an obvious but often neglected fact, namely that seemingly neutral and transnational services we use every day belong to Western corporations. Read more... * Note to readers: please click the share buttons below. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc. |
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