Ramadan is usually a time for inner reflection. Every year, for 30 days and 30 nights, Muslims across the globe will fast from dawn until sunset. Ramadan presents the opportunity for quiet meditation and giving thanks for what you've been blessed with. This year, I've been thinking a lot about my own journey with Islam and my religion's relationship with feminism.
Growing up, it wasn't always obvious to me that Islam can work in tandem with feminism.
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Here's what you need to know about Ramadan 2019
I was first introduced to feminism as a teenager by a mentor I gained on a Gifted and Talented scheme for children from disadvantaged backgrounds. One of the first feminist writers my mentor brought to my attention was Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. From then on, I consumed feminist literature and scholarly articles like Smarties.
But soon, I realised how Eurocentric much of what I was reading was. Many of the authors I came across were writing about what they knew and their own experiences in the Western world. But what about relating these feminist concepts to other societies, religions and cultures? It was then that I started thinking about how I could reconcile my new feminist beliefs with Islam.
Women seemed unfairly scrutinised
Growing up, I would hear countless doctrines about how women and girls should act, both from within my community and my extended family. Women were supposed to be the primary caregivers in a household and obey their male counterparts, and young girls should listen to and take care of the sons. Although my mother shielded me from these sexist ideas, there are some things you can't ignore. It troubled me that Islam could be used as another tool to oppress women. There are a set of rules you are expected to follow in any religion, but it seemed as though within my Islamic community, a woman's actions were unfairly scrutinised compared to men's.
On one occasion, I attended a religious gathering where the main speaker spent the majority of his talk condemning the many sins a woman commits, some of which concerned a woman's personal appearance. I decided to remove the hijab aged 16, and at the time, I knew not wearing the hijab was better than wearing and hating it. Now I know I made the right choice; otherwise, I feel like I would have been disrespecting a religious symbol that is important to so many Muslims. But my decision to remove it became a point of contention for a lot of people. I felt as though I had betrayed the religion.
As an adult, my relationship with my father turned sour when he discovered photos of me at university acting in a "disrespectful way towards the religion". He disapproved of the fact I was spending time with members of the opposite sex and dressing 'inappropriately'.
I didn't start dating until I was in my late teenage years and even then, I would be filled with all-consuming guilt because it felt as though I was doing something illicit. At the same time, I felt like a wallflower, like I started late and therefore had some catching up to do. Most of all, I felt naïve because I didn't experience the same life lessons as my peers.
As a young woman, the idea that I would be 'policed' by a man's interpretation of the religion did not sit right with me. I often felt unable to approach religious figures in the Somali Islamic community because of certain choices I've made in my life – the type of music I listen to, the friends I choose to keep, my relationships with men and some of my political and social beliefs. Attempting to introduce the concept of feminism to former Somali refugees in my family has been a difficult one and for the sake of my own mental health, I admittedly haven't tried very hard. For many years, my social media handles were under the highest privacy settings for fear of being ostracised by members of my extended family and community.
I began reading scriptures myself

But things changed for me when I began reading religious scriptures for myself. I realised it was down to the interpretation of the religion. Some Muslim men were manipulating the translations and using them to enforce certain practices upon women. Beliefs such as that a woman should obey her husband, or a daughter should look after the sons, have no religious grounding, despite people attempting to use religion to enforce them.
Feminism is compatible with Islam. Feminism only stops being compatible with Islam when we don't apply it to present day and use our common logic. It may not seem like it with some religious translations but that's because they were contextually appropriate at the time. A lot of the suggestions for how to live your life come from the hadith, which are a record of how the prophet Muhammed lived his life. For example, the prophet Muhammed (pbuh) said a woman should not travel alone because, in his time, it was unsafe for a woman to do as there was no unified police force and plenty of danger. This suggestion was to keep people safe.
It has taken me some time to unlearn a lot of the counter-productive beliefs that surround women and how they should act, but now I am proud to be a Muslim and a feminist. We as Muslim women need to fight our ground. We need more safe spaces in our communities that are less judgemental of a woman and her actions.
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