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{UAH} Uhuru goes after MPs who practice law


President Uhuru has raised a fair question: should sitting national legislators, who are lawyers still practice law?

The question arises from the current legal troubles Nairobi Governor, Mike Sonko, is facing. Among his defense attorneys is Senator Kipchumba Murkomen, who is also the Majority Leader. 

The president argues that a legislator who also practices law, is serves two masters! That's debatable. 

However, there's a limited likelihood of a conflict of interest to arise in that duality. 

Here is how that would happen, and in Sonko's case, what, I think, is earning Uhuru's wrath:

The Senate provides direct oversight of all County Governments. Therefore, as a governor, Sonko is directly answerable to, and his county is (financially) supervised by the Senate, which Murkomen leads. 

But this extended relationship still is a stretch of an argument - that Murkomen's defense role here amounts to a conflict of interest.

Unlike the president and his Cabinet, MPs and Senators are not full time employees. Changing that arrangement will require more than a presidential fiat; the same Legislators must accent to those changes.


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