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{UAH} Corruption crippling rich Nigeria

Corruption crippling rich Nigeria

The World Bank find that de money Nigeria collect from selling its energy is only fuh a select few. Dem boys seh that energy money is Nigeria's wealth.

Is de same World Bank helping Guyana develop its oil management capacity. Is de same World Bank highlight that 80% of Nigeria's energy revenues only helping one percent of the population. And that is all because of Corruption.
Now when dem boys look at de situation dem see almost de whole of de country poor. Is widespread poverty.
Teachers, poor and policemen poor and dem boys know when policemen poor dem does mek everybody who drive pun de road poor. Dem does stop every driver and demand a raise.
De teachers know parents want dem children get bright suh dem can get rich. De result is that de teachers does demand extra from de parents. Who don't have money must have some cow or goat or sheep.
De shameful thing is Nigeria is de biggest oil producer in Africa. But that is of no use because de World Poverty Clock show that in June 2018, there
were 86.9 million Nigerians living in poverty.
By de end of 2018, that number reach 90.8 million. That happen because de teachers and de policemen and some of dem who dealing wid things like birth certificate and land transport decide to collect dem share.
Four million people get poor in six months. Imagine how many more get poor since then. And dem boys seh don't believe things gun change when dem politicians living fuh tek dem oil money.
And de situation bringing tears to dem boys eyes. Bloomberg, de big American newspaper seh corruption suh widespread that six people fall into de poverty line every six minutes—that is one every minute.
But de World Bank, Bloomberg and de World Poverty Clock is not the only international entities to shed light on the level of inequality in Nigeria.
De country mek mistake wid oil and gas. People paying fuh that mistake. Because of that mistake, 57 million Nigerians lack safe water; over 130 million lack adequate sanitation, and the country has more than 10 million children out of school.
Without sanitation imagine how bad 130 million people does smell. Remember dem don't have money to buy cologne.
De 10 million children out of school is de gunmen of tomorrow.
And all this happening while people got money to mek up dem bed. De richest man in Nigeria would have to spend US$1M a day for 41years to done his fortune.
And dem boys ain't calculating de fortune also earning interest suh it gun tek anodda ten years of spending.
De wealth of Nigeria's five richest men amount to US$29.9 billion—more than enough to end extreme poverty at a national level.
Between 1960 and 2005, about US$20 trillion was stolen from the treasury by public office holders.
Guyana know bout such thiefing and it still watching some people.
Talk half and watch dem politicians like hawks.

"Even a small dog can piss on a tall building", Jim Hightower
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