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{UAH} M7 Wins with Drones

By Andrew Segawa 

Just before elections, Main stream Media (TVs and Radio) began airing stories about people being Kidnapped. The stories continueed to pile up just after the elections.  

The government also made sure those stories are on TVs. They began to make confession how they are responsible for the Kidnapping. 

Wait a minute, Why would government kidnap people in broad day light and they even make sure the stories circulate? Look, these government kidnappers will go to a shop in the middle of Kampala during day, they pick up someone, beat him up and drive that person to a secret place. They do it so that everyone can see. 

If the government didnt want the kidnapping stories to circulate, they would have picked people in a sectret (There are many ways to do it).  But no, even the President himself confessed its the government doing it. 

Now, here is the point, In my recent article just after election, i told you that you should expect abductions of people. Thats what is happening today. 

But why? 
As i mentioned, every after election, we should expect such distractions. This time, the Kidnapping distraction has cooled down the population in Buganda (where Bobi has much support) to the extent that every one is fearing for his life. 

The aftermath of elections in KB times used to be tough. It could take more than a year for Uganda to stablize. Besigye could not be let free becase the situation was fragile. Everytime he could go out, he would end up at Nagalama, Moroto or Nakasongola. In Kampala groups of young people could hit the streets every now and then. 

But Bobi !!!
Well, Bobi has played his politics in a way that people dont rise up like it was during Besigye times. He posts about Abductions in a way which will make people get scared of M7 instead of rising up againt him. 

When Bobi was left free, he began calling NUP elected leaders (In Buganda since thats the only place he can gather winners, In other places, he will ended up dinning with one person or even alone on the table).  Since then, he has been telling them to "work well in govt" and not betray people. Actually, those are the people who would be leading the "struggle" now but Bobi has tamed them to only wait for Salaries. 

Bobi even gets time to move out of his home and visit prison or even hospitals, but he does so in a way which will not make people rise. Its not like during KB times when he could end up in Kisekka or some busy place to try and stir and uprising. In everything Bobi does, he makes sure he does not call for Uprising. He only talks about "Dictator M7". 

The Court petition was also another way to calm down the population. Imagine, Besigye submitted 250 affidavits but didnt win, Bobi has only submitted 50 affidavits.  You cant tell them that the elected NUP MPs and Councillors in Buganda could not look for evidence of vote frauds in their areas.  This petition is just another way for Bobi to calm down the masses. 

Now, here is the gist. M7 is using Kidnapping of people to calm down people (and he has succeeded). However, he has a secret ally who is also helping him to contain his supporters.

"When a man is stung by a bee, he doesn't set off to destroy all beehives"

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