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{UAH} Did trump ever want to change America?

This is a very good question and deserves a serious answer. I have had almost a 50 year international business career and when Trump came along, while I wasn't happy with his rhetoric, I, along with countless others thought, hey this could be interesting.

I wasn't all that hopeful about changing the government or fixing it so much, but Trump did have both the House, the Senate and the Presidency so I thought, hey what is he going to do.

Very quickly it became apparent he was an angry man on a mission. His mission was to get back at everyone, every department, every 'leftist', every black or brown person who ever had gotten in his way.

He decided to not change the federal government, he decided to destroy it. He was outstanding at scaring the Republicans into line and McConnell and Paul Ryan were happy to go along with a tax cut for corporations and the rich. But McCain frustrated him on the ACA and he became more and more embittered about everyone around him who he felt was betraying him.

I could go on, but when you look back in hindsight, the question is, what did we really know about Trump? Personally I had never seen the Apprentice, I remember his glitzy buildings, the women, the bankruptcies. All of that was splashed all over the place.

But management? After all running the federal government means either you manage it like a Michael Bloomberg approach or your team does it like Biden is doing but it quickly became apparent everyone Trump selected was woefully unable to do their job. And none of them even cared to do it, or in many cases hated or completely opposed the agencies they were running.

Even with his team in place, he still went through secretary after secretary. If he didn't like someone or they said something that he was unhappy with, he fired them by tweet. He fought with everyone, he ignored all of his own experts, even people he hired. He changed things on a whim to the point where no one knew what was going on.

Then it gradually dawned on everyone. He didn't want to manage anything at all. He didn't want to change the government, he didn't even want to destroy it. He just wanted to use it to do whatever he felt like at that moment.

Looking back it is now clear that he never wanted to manage anything, change anything or do anything. He just wanted to live the life, to enjoy himself, to run the US like one of his failing businesses. And when he didn't get his way he just would lie and lie and make up things.

It is amazing that the American people not only caught on to him, but 81 million+ voted him out as they were desperate worried and rightly so, that there would be no US unless they could get rid of him.

When the historians look back on this period, they will all wonder how was America so duped by such an obvious con man? How did HRC let this happen? Then again, how did Joe Biden figure it out and beat him just in time.

Trump couldn't fix anything, not a business, not his marriage nothing. In the end he 'delivered' to his base and then he was thrown out. That will be his legacy, a has been who was used and then tossed out with his fake wife and equally fake family.

As we all recover from our terrible hangover of 5 years of Trump as don't forget he was running in 2015, we can be forgiven for wondering what happened.

It will take a while to sort out, but we should all take one last look and remember how close we all came to permanent disaster.

Sent from Gook's iPhone

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