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{UAH} GOOK'S WORRY AS WE SPEAK IS DONALD J THE TRUMP -> Lock up the man so that Gook becomes free in Sweden !!!!!!! Part two

Brussels attacks: Why is Sweden being threatened by terrorists?

Two football fans – a Swede and a Swiss-Swedish citizen – were killed in a terrorist attack on Monday. Sweden has received threats after a series of Quran burnings on its soil.

Le Monde

Police officers after an operation in which a gunman who murdered two Swedish citizens in Brussels was shot dead, in Schaerbeek, northeast of Brussels, October 17, 2023. YVES HERMAN / REUTERS

Targeted because they were Swedish: Two football fans – a Swede and a Swiss-Swedish dual national – were killed on Monday evening, October 16, in an attack by a lone terrorist on the sidelines of the Belgium-Sweden football match in Brussels. "The Swedish nationality of the victims is mentioned as a probable motivation for the act," said a spokesman for the Belgian Federal Prosecutor's Office on Tuesday, after viewing a video posted online by the assailant, who claimed to be inspired by the Islamic State (IS). "Never before in modern times have Sweden and Swedish interests been more threatened than now," said the country's prime minister, Ulf Kristersson, on Tuesday morning.

For several months now, Sweden has been the target of repeated threats from Islamist terrorist organizations, following several Quran burnings that have taken place on its soil, at gatherings that were authorized by the police. In particular, a copy of the Quran was burnt at a rally held in January in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, leading to the arrest of five people in early April on suspicions of preparing a "terrorist act" in retaliation.

Further Quran burnings followed: One at the end of June in front of the largest mosque in Stockholm, then, a month later, in front of the Swedish Parliament. The most recent burning took place in early September in Malmö, in the south of the country, leading to fresh acts of violence and several arrests.

Terror alert level raised in August

These acts of destruction by fire of Islam's sacred text – considered desecrations by the faithful – provoked outrage in Muslim countries this summer, followed by demonstrations and acts of violence targeting Swedish diplomatic representations, including the burning down of the Swedish embassy in Iraq at the end of July.

Several Islamist terrorist organizations have issued threats specifically targeting Sweden as a result. Over the summer, the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda urged Muslims "in Sweden, Denmark [where the Quran was also burned] and throughout Europe" to exercise their "duty of vengeance" against the two Scandinavian kingdoms, described as "despicable little countries." The leader of the Iranian terrorist organization Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah, has also called for "punishment" of the perpetrators of the Quran burnings. And on September 14, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP, a branch of Al-Qaeda) threatened to strike "a ministry" in Paris and "a Swedish embassy."

Faced with these threats, Stockholm raised its terror alert level a notch on August 17, from 3 to 4 (on a five-level scale), for the first time since 2016. The Swedish security service believes that the threat of attacks "will remain for a long time." "Sweden is not only mentioned as part of the Western worl, but is also designated much more clearly in exhortations and propaganda," Ahn-Za Hagström, head of the National Centre for Terrorist Threat Assessment, told Le Monde at the time. Kristersson described the situation as "serious" and revealed that plans for terrorist attacks "had been foiled" in Sweden, without going into detail.

While the heightened alert level only concerns Sweden's national territory, Foreign Minister Tobias Billström stressed that threats to Swedish interests abroad had intensified, and called on his compatriots "to be vigilant and to carefully listen to instructions from the Belgian authorities."

Sweden's security service announced on Tuesday that the threat level against the country remained unchanged following the attack in Brussels against its nationals. "It is a serious situation and the Security Police assesses that it will remain for a longer time," it added in a statement.

EM         -> {   Gap   at   46  } – {Allan Barigye is a Rwandan predator}

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
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