On 3rd January 2020 Mike Pompeo a former CIA director then Secretary of state, received instructions from his president, to blow up a plane carrying Suleiman at the Baghdad airport. In his words Pompeo states that he was sure that at the time very few civilians would lose their lives for Americans were controlling the air around the Baghdad airport, so that no plane would be allowed to fly in or out during the five minutes they needed to blow up the General. Thus saving civilian lives was an afterthought. The General was killed with only those that were protecting him, the very reason he was allowed to leave the airport, take his car and start to be driven out of the airport and then blown up in the car as he passed the baggage area. Before he was blown up, the administration took the time to inform all Arab neighbors in the region, of the impending attack of the General, for he had broken an instruction that he had been given of not leaving Iran. Israel was alerted as well. All of them were aware of the pending Iran retaliation.
When the Syrian war started, Iranians, Syrian opposition, and Hezbollah tried to find out a solution to the crisis, they failed, in 2015 after the war had escalated Solemn reached out to Putin and they had a meeting for two hours, which convinced Putin to allow Russian military participation in the Syrian war, and that war ended up in Assad’s favor. The same Solemn was responsible to bringing the Russian Komet Missiles to the Hamas Movement in the besieged Hamas strip, the same anti-tank missiles brought from Russia by Syria were used by Hezbollah during the 2006 between Hezbollah and Israel, Assad later agreed to deliver those missiles to Hamas to protect Gaza in 2014.
I need us to very immediately turn around and consider the blowing up of the leader of Hezbollah, the order of killing Hassan Nasrallah was given by Netanyahu, as soon as he finished the UN speech, when he was in New York as by the photograph above shows, no one was alerted. The operation was started way back by antagonizing the entire leadership of Hezbollah which was done by blowing up the Pagers, which killed 9 people and injured 3,000 innocent people. At his death 11 people were killed and 108 wounded. Israel has been fighting with Lebanon for over 30 years. And to this posting, after this man’s death, no Democrat has posted a God damn thing. Do you want to know what Democrats said when Trump blew up Suleiman? Here we go :-
= Former Vice President at the time Joe Biden warned of a further escalation and said that president Trump had just tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox. On the blowing up of Nasrallah that was directed from within his own country, when he was not been advised, he has called this and I directly quote “ A measure of justice”
= Senator Bernie Sanders said that Trump’s dangerous escalation brings us closer to another disastrous war in Middle East that could cost countless lives an trillions more dollars.
= Senator Elizabeth Warren described the attack as a wag the dog, an attempt by Trump to distract from the impeachment process through an act of war.
= South Bend, Indiana Mayor then, Pete Buttigieg said the Trump administration, must plan for possible consequences before taking action, must ensure its action is supported by its allies, and must take only actions that will benefit United States national interests and stability in the region.
= Representative Tulsi Gabbard called the air strike an act of war by president Trump and a violation of the United States constitution, arguing that the president does not have congressional authorization for such an act.
= At the seventh Democratic party presidential debate hosted by CNN at Drake University, Iowa, Candidates Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer and Pete Buttigieg favored a complete United States disengagement from the region, while Joe Biden and Army Klobuchar defended retaining special forces in Iraq.
= Bernie Sunders along with Representative Ro Khanna, announced that they would be introducing legislation to prevent the use of Pentagon funding for military action in Iran without Congressional approval.
= Tim Kaine a member of the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees said that Congress must act to stop president trump from entangling America in yet another unnecessary war in the Middle East. In June 2019 Kaine had introduced a resolution to require congressional authorization before going to war with Iran, and on 3rd January 2020 he introduced a similar resolution. Kaine’s counterpart, Mark Warner said that it is not clear that the Trump administration has a clear plan to prevent another endless war in the Middle East.
= Fox News’s Tucker Carlson criticized the killing and chest-beaters who promote foreign interventions, particularly Senator Ben Sasse. He asked, by the way, if we are still in Afghanistan, 19 years, sad years, later, what makes us think there’s a quick way out of Iran?
= New York city Mayor Bill De Blasio expressed strong concerns about potential retaliatory strikes, putting the police department on high alert, including the potential of bag checks at subway stations and vehicle checks at tunnels and bridges.
= Mayor of Washington D C Muriel Bowser said that she did not see any immediate threats, but she reminded citizens to report any suspicious activities.
= The president of the Council of the Council on Foreign Relations, Richard Haass, called the strike potentially the most significant development in the region since the Iraq war, and called for the United States to prepare for an Iranian retaliation.
= Oona A. Hathaway, a professor of international law at Yale Law School, evaluated the various legal justifications the Trump administration gave for the air strike, compared the attack with similar events of the past and concluded that the Suleiman strike defied the US constitution. If congress fails to respond effectively the constitutional order will be broken beyond repair, and the president will be left with the unmitigated power to take the country to war on his own, anywhere, for any reason.
= Medea Benjamin {The founder of antiwar advocacy group Code Pink} and Hillary Mann Leverentt {a political risk consultant and former director of Iran affairs at the White House’s National Security Council} called the assassination of Suleiman “Flatly illegal”
Some members of the United States Congress which generally was not consulted or briefed before the Solemn strike, sought to restrict the president’s ability to conduct future military operations against Iran without congressional consent, On 6January 2020, House speaker Nancy Pelosi announced plans to hold a vote within the week on limiting president Trump’s war powers concerning Iran. On 8 January 2020. Pelosi announced that a vote will be held by the entire US House of Representatives on 9 January to limit president trump’s war powers concerning any future escalation of conflict with Iran. The House Rules Committee cleared the way for a full house vote by approving parameters which set up a two hour debate on January 9. The House vote is considered significant as the US constitution provides that while the president may use the military to defend the country, any declaration of war must be approved by congress. Trump criticized the effort arguing that congressional approval should not be needed to militarily engage Iran because you have to be able to make split second decision sometimes.
On January the 9th 2020, the U S House of Representatives considered the measure and eventually voted 224-194 to approve it. White House Deputy Secretary Press Secretary Hogan Gidley criticized the resolution passage, calling it “Just another political move” and an attempt to “hinder the president’s authority to protect America and our interests in the region” It was unclear if the resolution was binding or non-binding and whether the senate would ultimately approve it, House Minority leader Kevin McCarthy called it a “meaningless vote” while Democrats insisted it sent a strong message that trump must work with congress on national security.
The constitutionality of the resolution is unclear since the us Supreme court limited legislative veto with the immigration and Naturalization Service V Chadha decision in 1983 in a major opinion written by Chief Justice Warren E Burger. Defense Secretary Esper argued that the president has full authority to attack Iran in response to attacks by Iraqi proxy militias under the 2002 Authorization for the use of military force against Iraq and article 11 of the constitution, and has discouraged congress from adopting the resolution. On 13 February, the U S Senate voted 55-45 to constrain Trump’s ability to wage war on Iran without congressional approval. The bipartisan vote for the Iran war powers resolution included eight Republican senators. Trump threatened to veto the resolution.
14 February in an unclassified memorandum to congress, the trump administration said it was authorized under both the constitution and the 2002 authorization of use of military force against Iraq. The Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Engel said “The 2002 authorization was passed to deal with Saddam Hussein. This law had nothing to do with Iran or Iranian government officials in Iraq. To suggest that 18 years later this authorization could justify killing an Iranian official stretches the law far beyond anything Congress ever intended “adding that he looked forward testifying in a February 28 hearing. On 11 March, the US House voted 227-188 for the Senate’s resolution, sending the Iran War Powers Resolution to the president. On May 6, Trump vetoed the Iran War Powers Resolution and issued a statement regarding the veto. The Senate attempted to override the veto the following day, needing 67 veto to override. The override failed with a vote of 49-44.
Anti-war protests started in Washington on 4th January 2020, Characterization of the attack as “Murder” or an “act of war” led to some controversy an debate. Jan Goldman of The Citadel, The Military College of Southern Carolina, a leading expert on the role of ethics in intelligence operations, argued that the attack met the criteria for “assassination ‘adding that “Killing anyone on foreign soil that is not a battlefield could be considered a unethical. Peter Singer, Australian moral philosopher and professor of bioethics at Princeton University, concluded that if the attack counts as an act of war, then Trump did not have the authority to order it, otherwise, as an extrajudicial assassination that was not necessary to prevent an imminent attack, it was both illegal and unethical. The Hashtags #WorldwarWar111 and #WWW111 trended on social media , along with concerns that the military draft might be reinstated. Many internet memes on the topic became popular on sites such as Twitter and TikTok. The US Selective Service System Website crashed with many looking for information on draft requirements and exceptions. The agency attributed the crash to “the spread of misinformation”
Members of Catholic Communities in The United States particularly raised concerns about its morality. Sojourners Community leader Jim Wallis called the attack “not justifiable” and “Immoral” Documentary film director and activist Michael Moore opposed the assassination. Hollywood actors Rose McGowan and John Gusack criticized Trump’s airstrike, with McGowan describing Americans as “being held hostage by a terrorist regime” while Cusack remarked that trump was in “Full fascist 101 mode”
I had to post the notes above to remind you the double standards of Democrats but to remind you as well at how you can never damage Trump without damaging United States of America. Think this through, since October the 7th, we don’t know how many Palestinians have been killed in this war, for the numbers we have are from Israelis only, CPJA {Committee to protect Journalists is reporting that as of September 27, 2024, at least more than 42,000 people have been killed by the state of Israel among whom are 116 Journalists.
Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza war
Thus the only source of information we have is the Israeli government. Doesn’t it bother you that Democrats that run the current administration have not at any point raised the death of these journalist to the Israeli government? Not one time. Doesn’t it bother you that they have not raised the number of women and children Palestinians that have been murdered by the Israeli government so far? Democrats have pumped so much money to this war, and yet when the instruction to blow up this man was given they were never informed, even though the instruction was handed down in New York. And after he was killed, not a single Democrat raised up a hand to go after it. Did you recognise ow they shut down the Palestinian demonstrations at the convention? And this is why I had to remind you the entire noise they made to againist Trump when he took down a man that was killing American like Rabbits, Iran has been a problem to everyone, it has been a problem to African countries, to many Arab countries, to North America, it was Iran that shot down the Ukrainian jet flying to Kiev, and we all cannot do a damn thing about it for it is protected by Democrats.
And today we have a second country to Iran to be the second most protected by Democrats, and it is the state of Israel, the manner at which they are all quite at this murder is simply astounding.
EM -> { Gap at 46 } – {Allan Barigye is a Rwandan predator}
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko
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