Is AOC’s Political Future In Jeopardy?
Posted by Bill Sheridan | Dec 25, 2024
Has the Democrat’s disastrous defeat in November left the political futures of high-profile progressives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) in doubt? It would seem so as the far-left firebrand faced a pivotal setback when she lost her race to lead Democrats on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.
Instead, the position went to 74-year-old Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.). Connolly’s victory sparked new anger in liberals pushing for a generational change in leadership, and some are wondering how Ocasio-Cortez will play her cards next.
The “squad” member’s House defeat shows the delicate nature of post-November politics. Her centrist colleagues’ promotion of Connolly sent a clear message that Democrats want to suppress left-wing ideology as they look to rebrand their image, challenging Ocasio-Cortez’s place in the party, which has lost considerable power in Washington.
“Some of the younger members need to be willing to potentially take risk for their careers in Congress, in the political establishment, by calling out Democratic process as harmful to the power-building that they say that they desire,” said Corryn Freeman, the executive director of Future Coalition, an organization that mobilizes young progressives. “I think she needs to say that out loud.”
Some progressives believe she can work more effectively to create fresh energy outside of Capitol Hill. Outside the lower chamber, she would have more freedom to critique the mentality that made fellow Democrats embrace Connolly, stifling her chance to check Republicans under a second Trump term.
While the 35-year-old congresswoman is more outspoken than most in the caucus, she’s still constrained by the House procedures, order, and tradition that can dictate who advances within the ranks. Speaking out more forcefully would likely create ill will in the Democratic caucus, but some say it’s a necessary step toward more national prominence.
“It puts her at risk forever having the opportunity within the party to sit in the seats that we believe she should be sitting in,” Freeman said. “But honestly at the rate at which the Democratic Party is moving, by the time AOC is able to get into a senior seat, a seat of leadership or power in Congress, someone else, it will be their time.”
Democrats have been fighting among each other following President-elect Trump’s win. Moderates have banded together to pin losses on the left. Already villainized by the right, Ocasio-Cortez was considered by many in the House as a risk to promote to the top investigations role. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), the former Speaker, led the effort against her, reportedly working the phones for Connolly to the frustration of progressives who saw the longtime leader as politically hurtful.
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