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SV: {UAH} UDU and UPC have agreed to work together

FIRST, Citizen KASHAMBUZI, I think read somewhere, that there is a Chinese saying which states; "A distance of 1,000 miles begins with a single step". Let me therefore hope your communication and understanding with the UPC party leader will walk the talk for a long journey to the promise land – that is bringing the coming together to our Uganda folks for the way forward but not backward. Let the long walk continues for the betterment of our dear country Uganda!
FRANKLY, let me state that, I believe, the UPC party is not static body but it is a dynamic body that is ready to play her role in Uganda body politics. Well, I feel it would be a great mistake for the part of Uganda society those may feel that UPC as a political party had been finished and has nothing or value to add in Uganda politics. Let the long walk continues for the betterment of our dear country Uganda!
AGAIN, I think not very long ago, I sent a piece in the UAH forum on the issue of 'Jantelagen'. The Law of Jante or the 'Who-do-you-think-you-are law'! I belief, and hope that, such political doctrine of 'Equal among the Equals' had been the very cornerstone the founders of 'The Congress of the People' Uganda People's Congress (UPC), had in mind for the people of Uganda. I am not going to devalue the opinions, critiques and, or thinking of other folks on the merits, and demerits of how both UPC and Mengo establishment acted during the 1966 political crisis in Uganda.
Nevertheless, let us accept that during that period the DP and the late Kiwanuka Ben (RIP) and the Catholic Church had nothing to put on the Ugandan political table. Citizen KASHAMBUZI, I think and hope we must learn from our bad historical narratives but, we must even learn to have compromise and tolerances. Today we have Kabaka Mutebi leading the Mengo establishment and we know UPC party is being led by new generation of leaderships hence the meaning of compromise for the future of our dear country.
YES, it is said that every generation have what it tastes in their historical journeys and this is what I feel both you KASHAMBUZI and Ambassador OLARA Otunnu must grapple with to push us folks forward. I think, Ambassador OLARA Otunnu had done a good attempt to engage the Buganda and Mengo establishment looking for a partner to tango with as an old America saying goes so, I hope it is worth trying more.
SECOND, this is my independent open opinion, which has been that if the Coalition between the UPC party and the KY party had been used as a true political motor for the betterment of the future of our dear country, it could have been quite good for the whole of us and our future generations. Let it be known though many historians had interpreted the historical narrative of Uganda might be up-side-down and, or inside – out hence our own failures to move forward since we have been stuck in the political malaise we cannot get out of it. This is why I feel the idea of Ambassador OLARA Otunnu should continue with doing more homework in order to get some political accommodation with Mengo establishment for the betterment of a clearer political idea.
I think, during the Lancaster House negotiation, both Kabaka Muteesa and Obote Milton took the issue of a united Uganda quite seriously before both were pushed aside by what I may interpret as the political time bomb left purposely by the British Colonialism. The Bunyoro Kitara and Buganda Kingdoms conflicts, which the British purposely failed to iron out before Uganda got her political independence from 70 years of British colonialism whereby junk of Bunyoro Kitara Kingdom territories was given as political rewards to Buganda Kingdom.
THIRD, we all know as it stands today, the KY and UPC party Coalition collapsed and hence Ugandans witnessed heavy political turmoil and chaos which even the unborn generations to come will continue to suffer. Well, the spirit built for the Coalition during the Lancaster House negotiation and Agreement could have enshrined the doctrine of clear political tolerance and understanding if it were not torpedoed with political intrigues and populism by both stakeholders at the time. The Agreement between the UPC party and KY had some very good intention for the interests of the whole Ugandan even if we like it or not.
I think and belief the ingredients of that Agreement had not been similar to the ones the NRA/M7 had signed with Kabaka Mutebi Mwenda for launching genocide against Ugandans in the Luwero triangle after the 1980 general elections if Ugandan were to compare it genuinely. YES, it is said every generations has its historical war to battle with!
LET US TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT, running up to the political independence of Uganda, the Kabaka of Buganda, Sir Muteesa Edward broke up with his old traditional value and became the first traditional leader to become the President of Uganda. Kabaka Muteesa was a transformed man ready to move into modernise Uganda together with the late OBOTE Milton the MUKOPI from Lango. The unfortunate, thing is that there were some ultra conservatives in Mengo who would never move forward with Kabaka Muteesa and they had to wreak the fragile Ugandan political boat since they could not fathom working with OBOTE Milton, the MUKOPI from Akokoro Lango.
LASTLY, if Kabaka Mutebi and his Mengo establishment want to be passionate Ugandans as the late Kabaka Sir Muteesa Edward was, then I think they should spell their positions. My individual position had ever been that Ugandan should adopt Constitutional Federalism ala the ones we see in the Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark and others. YES, how about Constitutional federalism countries such as Canada, US, Germany, UK, Holland and, or Switzerland. I think, Constitutional federalism Uganda, will be a better political approach for our dear country than Ugandans dying for unitary system which had never brought political harmony. Let the long walk continues for the betterment of our dear country Uganda! 
OCAYA pOcure – Former UPC party PPC Member SWEDEN!

Från: Eric Kashambuzi <>
Skickat: fredag, 16 augusti 2013 14:55
Ämne: {UAH} UDU and UPC have agreed to work together

Press release
During his current visit to the United States of America, the President of UPC Ambassador Olara A. Otunnu and Secretary General of UDU Eric Kashambuzi met twice in New York and discussed a wide range of issues regarding the deteriorating situation in Uganda and the draconian methods being used by NRM to cling to power.
I am pleased to announce that UDU and UPC have agreed to work together on themes of common interest, believing that two heads are better than one. For a start, we shall coordinate our activities on the electoral system with a focus on an independent electoral commission and standardization of campaign finance in order to level the playing field.
As soon as arrangements have been finalized, Ambassador Olara Otunnu will appear on the English program of Radio Munansi and address Ugandans on this working arrangement between UDU and UPC.
As you know, UDU and FDC have worked together since the founding of UDU in 2011. We have benefited tremendously from collaboration with Dr. Kiiza Besigye who continues to be active in Uganda politics and we shall continue to do so under the new leadership.
UDU has also had contacts with the President-General of DP, Nobert Mao and look forward to formalizing our working relationship in the near future.
Uganda has hit the bottom in all areas of human endeavor and is now described as a failed state. It will therefore require the efforts of all Ugandans at home and abroad including patriotic members of NRM to pull it out of the deep political, economic, social and environmental hole.
For God and My Country
Eric Kashambuzi
Secretary General, UDU

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