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The Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) was a department of the NRA responsible for intelligence gathering and processing related to the military. It hs what evolved to become the present CMI. Its structures included a Director and his assistants at the head office and then field Intelligence Officers spread out at different levels of the general army structure. In the bush it was a unit under the Director General of Intelligence and Security (DGIS). After Kaka Bagenda's tenure, Mugisha Muntu became the DMI. When the NRA came to power, the DMI like all other departments of the Army, was housed at Republic House (Bulange) army headquarters. However, to afford ample privacy the DMI occupied a smaller structure behind the main building. Soon after, it was relocated to Basiima House along the Kabaka Anjagala Road. Among the senior officers at DMI were Paul Kagame, Aronda and Byemaro. 

When the NRA took power, DMI became a semi independent body that would directly report to the President though would liase with other army establishments. On top of getting funding from the military mainstream budget, DMI would get extra funding from State House. Its personnel were attached to different parastatals and all border posts. Throughout the country where the NRA was in control, its Military Intelligence operatives who had taken over civil policing. In Kampala, Aronda took over the strategic Central Police Station (CPS). He was assisted by Rwija, Muruli, Rwigamba (RPF), Mutabazi (RPF), Mbugane (RPF), Murenzi (RPF) etc. Aronda had even taken residence opposite CPS on Buganda road the current head office of UHRC. In an interview Museveni defended the military policing thus "....the soldiers feel that the Police is are not serious with criminal elements and they are corrupt. The army had to come in and insist that the criminals must be punished. It happens in all countries, there is a time when the army assumes the duty of internal security." (Daily Nation Jan 26 1997). 

Later on Muntu was replaced by Andrew Lutaaya as the DMI. Lutaaya had been the civillian who had driven the the lorry that took the NRA to attack Kabamba barracks in 1986. During the bush war, Lutaaya was a member of the clandestine team and was mainly charged with ferrying fighters accross lake Victoria to Kenya. In one incident after a stormy encounter on Lake Victoria, the freezing Museveni was saved by taking a bottle of beer that Lutaya offered him as first aid. After the fall of Kampala, Lutaaya was placed under the President's Office for Museveni's special assignments. By 1988, DMI was stuctured as follows:-
a) DMI - Andrew Lutaay.
b) Asst. Director, Personnel Administration and Finance - Paul Kagame.
c) Asst. Director Counter Intelligence - Patrick Karegyeya.
d) Asst. Director Combat Intelligence - John Kasaija.
e) Asst. Director Techinical Intelligence - Byemaro Mijumbi.
f) then there was a team of Lawyers headed by Eyotia Eyaa and comprising of Luke Otagwa, Richard Zziwa and James Mugira who formed the prosecution Unit.
g) later on a criminal investigations unit was formed and headed by Charles Tusiime (the mechanic who forgot a spare tyre during the first Kabamba attack). 
Beyond the head office, in the field there were the Division, Brigade and Battallion intelligence officers. Notable among the Division Intelligence Officers were Milton and Later Vincent Ssesanga in 3rd Div. Mbale, Gayiira in 1st Div. Lubiri, Charles Angina in 2nd Div. Fort Portal, Iraguha in 4th Div. Gulu, Fred Tolit in 5th Div. Lira, Geofrey Twesigye in 6th Div. Moroto. 

At the head office Paul Kagame's strategic position allowed him to control the entire intelligence cycle. He managed recruitment, deployment, transfer dismissal of personel and operational finances. Under him was the Registry that was manned by among others Pte Kabarebe, Pte Dan Munyuza and Pte Ceaser Kayizari (all are now Generals in RPF). This registry was responsible for receiving and managing all the intelligence from the field. 

Counter Intelligence under Lt Patric Karegyeya (RPF) was another powerfull entity within DMI. Under him was among others, Sgt Jack Nziiza (RPF). It was concerned with intelligence of a political nature. All the operatives manning different parastatals and border posts fell under counter intellgence unit. The unit gad the highest number of Rwandese operatives. Around this time Aronda's role was not cleas in DMI as he was more concerned with the Presidential Protection Unit. He remained a senior menber of the military intelligence community. 

Because Andrew Lutaaya seemed too busy with other assignments by the President, he did not assert himself at DMI. Kagame cotinued to fill that gap. But still he would not afford to break into the Paul Kagame personality cult that was deeply rooted into DMI. This is what gave rise to the highly held belief that Kagame was a head of Uganda's intelligence services. 

NEXT: Dont miss the exodus of Rwandese from NRA.

Viele GruBe

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