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{UAH} Africa: Who Is Africa's Comedy King?

Africa: Who Is Africa's Comedy King?


Last Friday, Club Beer hosted what they called "Africa's best comedians" at Imperial Royale Hotel.

The highly billed event lived up to the hype it had generated, attracting a full house even though the ticket was going for an eye-popping Shs 75,000, with couples paying Shs 120,000. Felix Eupal breaks down the acts of the show.


Mendo's real name, Herbert Segujja, didn't pull it off; he still had the same Museveni mimics. It's high time he brought something different to the table. Rating: 3/10.

Anne Kansiime:

The only female comedian on the stage, Kansiime brought the house down. She cracked jokes about herself, her height, her struggle to find a man who can take her seriously, and then killed it off when she joked about Ugandan musicians.

Mbu Rema is the Ugandan Celine Dion because she sings with her eyes; Jackie Chandiru is the Ugandan Beyonce because she does a lot more dancing than singing; and Desire Luzinda is Uganda's version of Nicki Minaj simply because she just flashes her booty. Rating: 9/10.

Patrick Salvado:

He calls himself the King of Ugandan comedy. He just might be. He started off by singing, and then cracked jokes about fatherhood. And of course, he joked about sex, calling out his girlfriend on stage to act out a sex joke or else pay this month's rent. Rating: 7/10.

Alex Muhangi:

Whoever changed his fashion style did a fantastic job. He looked more like a chief executive than a comedian. He fell short when he did the same tribal jokes he gave us at the Miss Uganda Grand finale 2013. A good joke will make you laugh even if it is repeated but this is Alex Muhangi we are talking about here. Rating: 4/10.

Eric Omondi:

This Kenyan is just hilarious. He started by whining about the recent fire at Jomo Kenyatta International airport, and how he missed his flight but had to come down for the money so he took a bus. And he has mastered the art of cracking jokes about white people and people who enter shows on complimentary tickets. Rating: 7/10

Carl Joshua Ncube-monkey:

The Zimbabwean gynecologist by profession was back for the second time, and he hasn't changed his jokes. They are too intellectual; not the kind of jokes for an ordinary Ugandan crowd that has been taking Club Beer since 7pm. Rating: 5/10

Basket mouth:

The main act of the night and considered Africa's best comedian had his brother curtain raise for him before stepping on stage with a Mohawk. I expected to be blown away, but I wasn't. I guess I have watched so many YouTube clips of him. His jokes were just okay with the only exception coming on those about the Nigerians and their mischievous ways. Rating: 6/10.

Gwokto La'Kitgum

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