Mr Kabagambe,
I'd like to use this chance to welcome you to UNAA. I am always glad when I meet new members...because I regularly say that UNAA's strength comes from numbers.
I have read your statement and I have to confess that I do not know much about your situation (beyond what the Dr Muniini Mulera wrote and what you have written).
My concern is your threatened legal action. As a new member, you have probably not had a chance to review the constitution of UNAA. When you get a chance, please review Article 12 on Indemnification. When you read that Article, you'll notice that your threatened legal action would not be
against the Chairman of the BoT as you indicated. It will be against your new association...UNAA. I don't know how seriously Dr Muniini took your threats. In case he panicked and sought legal advice, you'll have cost all UNAA members legal fees! Article 12 specifically provides for reimbursement of reasonable attorney fees for UNAA officials threatened with legal action for actions taken in their official capacity. Is that what you really want for poor/broke UNAA???
Having said that, I trust that your suit would be very weak and would not get anywhere...
1. you'd have to sue UNAA in Massachusetts, where it is registered.
2. UNAA;s constitution protects its officials for decisions taken in official capacity
3. Dr Muniini sent his msg to unaalist (a members' only list serv). He didn't send it to other forums.
4. UNAA is a corporate body. Its constitution provides for the existence and powers of the BoT. The BoT is free to make its rulings the way it sees fit. the BoT doesn't have to follow rules that apply in courts. the BoT is free to make its own rules. As a private company, UNAA is free to set its own rules for its tribunal.
5. the BoT looked at the evidence presented to it and reached a decision that your application was, among other things, fraudrent (if I was on the BoT, I'd have avoided the word "fraud" and used a different word). but that is their OPINION. It doesn't mean that they are correct. But that is their opinion based on the evidence they saw.
For a faster response please contact me at 415.789.6427
From: Rahim Kabagambe <iwas7@hotmail.com>
To: joseph.musoke@ymail.com
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 1:55 PM
Subject: UNAALIST Message To UNAA Members
To: joseph.musoke@ymail.com
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2013 1:55 PM
Subject: UNAALIST Message To UNAA Members
Dear UNAA Members,
On September 24th the Chairman of the BOT posted a very disturbing ruling which stated that after very careful examination the UNAA BOT concluded that I was not a member in good standing by August 15th and that I fraudulently sought to become the Male Youth Representative for Canada.
The Chairman of the BOT did in fact call me a few days ago and in a very short conversation asked who I was among other pleasantries. Not once did he ask me about my payment for UNAA Membership or the circumstance of who nominated me as a candidate.
My fellow members, I wish the Chairman had asked me these simple questions and given me a chance to explain myself. It would have saved UNAA members all this pain and the BOT great embarrassment. It would also have saved me the great embarrassment of being unfairly labeled as a fraud.
Please be informed that I have just been copied on an email to the UNAA EC and the UNAABOT which contains powerful, incontrovertible and irrefutable evidence that I became a UNAA member on August 14th 2013.
I have also asked the Chairman of the UNAA BOT to set the record straight by completely withdrawing his very injurious ruling and issuing on UNAALIST a declaration which states that the UNAA BOT Investigation fell short, that I was a fully paid up UNAA Member on August 14th 2013 and that the UNAA BOT was not able to prove any fraud on my part. I have asked that this very fair and balanced request be posted before 5pm 30th September 2013 to UNAALIST and all other forums; UNAANET, UAH, KigeziNet, UAA-DFW, etc on which the communication has been forwarded to.
I am a young Ugandan who is trying to make a difference in my life and my community. I am just setting out on my career, building a personal reputation and I take ethics very seriously. I hope you can all understand the great danger of having emails all over the internet accusing me of fraudulent activity.
Indeed some of you on UNAALIST have propagated what are clearly serious lies from the Chairman of the UNAA BOT. Please cease this destructive action. Under these circumstances, I also hope you will all understand that if the Chairman of the BOT does not issue this retraction to my satisfaction, I will seek legal action. I hope it does not come to that though since as a duly elected UNAA Council member, I will be working with him for the next two years as he is a colleague in the UNAA leadership.
Thank you very much for your time and patience as we work through all this, and I look forward to having all this behind us.
Rahim Kabagambe
UNAA Council - Male Youth, Canada
Ugandan North America Association . 1337 Massachusetts Avenue . Suite 153 . Arlington. MA . 02476
Email: info@unaa.org
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