{UAH} Gen Gatkuoth’s “Gallantry Force” Claim Supremacy Over Malakal
A rebel force popularly known as the "gallantry force" is now in its final stages of closing its Malakal campaign as well as the rest of the Upper Nile states although SPLA is still putting up a strong resistance in some parts.
The gallantry force is led by former commissioner of Nasir, Gen Gat-hoth Gatkuoth, aka Bipour said to be loyal to Dr Riek Machar.
This deadly force is composed of mostly Nuer and Murle tribes and according to sources, it has so far crushed the movement stronghold of Malakal capturing one tank and uncountable small arms and artilleries from the government forces.
Upper Niles states fell into rebel hands later December last year and by Christmas, SPLA has intensified the fight to reclaim the capital Malakal bring the battles onto the streets and into people's residences.
According to official reports, the rebels are holding the southern parts of Malakal while government forces are still maintaining a grip on the northern and central parts.
The SPLA spokesperson recently announced that the government forces had repulsed rebels in the battle for the control of Malakal.
People were even called to return to their homes following the reports that SPLA was in charge of Malakal.
"How then did the 200 people drown in the Nile? What were they running from if the government is in control of Malakal? Fighting is still raging in the Upper Nile states and the government cannot claim control," a source told Chimpreports.
Gen Gatkuoth's bodyguards
However, the South Sudan Defence Minister, Kuol Manyang Juuk, was quoted as saying: "there is fighting but the rebels are not in full control."
Contrary reports say the rebels under Gen Gatkuoth defeated SPLA taking over the largest part of the Upper Nile states.
Gen Gatkuoth's force is said to be as deadly as the Nuer White Army that recaptured Bor town in Jonglei state and has ever since repulsed all attempts by SPLA to reclaim Bor.
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