{UAH} Tooro Kingdom Under Fire Over Shs27m Makerere Rent Dues
Tooro Kingdom Under Fire Over Shs27m Makerere Rent Dues
The conflicts between the Tooro Kingdom and Kabarole district local government have deepened over rent funds from the buildings housing Makerere University (MUK) Fort Portal Campus.
Kabarole district local government is accusing the Kingdom administration for failing to remit money the university pays for the occupation of two buildings. The buildings are being claimed by Kabarole district and the cultural both institution.
In October 2013, Makerere University Fort Portal campus relocated to Mucwa the kingdom administrative seat and occupied the education and health departments' buildings that were formerly occupied by the Kabarole district administration.
It's said that in January 2014, Makerere paid shs27m to Tooro Kingdom for renting the two buildings.
Kabarole district LC5 chairperson Richard Rwabuhinga, said the Kingdom is supposed to remit 50 percent of the money every month to the district.
He said," the kingdom has for the past two months, not deposited any coin on the district account hence breaching the agreement we made".
"In October 2013 we held a meeting with King Oyo, Kingdom Premier Steven Kaliba , Queen Mother Best Kemigisa, District Speaker Clovis Mugabo, Rwenzori Bishop Rt. Reubon Kisembo, Kingdom Deputy Prime Minister and Kingdom works minister and it was agreed that the Kingdom would remit 50 ercent of the revenue from rent, to the district but to our surprise there no funds," Rwabuhinga added.
The issue was brought up to light during Monday's district council sitting held at Kitumba in East division Fort Portal municipality.
Upon hearing it the aggrieved district councillors agreed to petition the Minister of Local Government Adolf Mwesige over the matter seeking for his immediate intervention.
Rose Monde Byabasaija the woman councillor Kisomoro and Kibiito sub counties condemned what he called the bad characters at Tooro Kingdom and wondered why the kingdom was mistreating the district and yet the agreement was signed.
Richard Rwabuhinga says Tooro Kingdom must remit the rent dues from Makerere University
She said, "I'm wondering why Tooro kingdom officials are behaving like mafias and yet the kingdom and Kabarole district local government are meant to serve the interests of our people not their individual interests".
Tooro Kingdom Anthem
Jorum Bintamanya, the councillor Representing South Division Fort Portal municipality moved a motion seeking council to put a ban on singing Tooro Kingdom Anthem at official district functions as a punishment to the institution.
"I ask council to resolve banning singing the Tooro kingdom anthem because of the mistreatment showed to the district. As councillors we should also embark on mobilization especially in schools arguing the students to stop singing the anthem," Bintamanya said.
Bintamanya's motion was however rejected by the councillors who asked the minister of local government to intervene.
Hon. Steven Kaliba the Kingdom Premier in a telephone interview, however, denied the existence of an agreement between the Kingdom and the local government.
Kaliba said, "I admit that the matter was discussed, but there wasn't a conclusion on this issue. During the meeting, it was agreed that the district writes a proposal and forward to the Kingdom, but it failed".
"The Kabarole district local government shouldn't force the kingdom to remit the rent funds, since the buildings belong to the Kingdom and not the district. These buildings seat on the kingdom land and I do not see the reason why the district should put pressure on us," he added.
The relationship between the Kingdom and the local government started deteriorating in 2009, when Tooro kingdom evicted the leadership of Kabarole district local government over shs12m outstanding rental arrears.
The district shifted to Boma, the British colonial administrative chambers before entering their newly constructed district headquarters in Kitumba.
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