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{UAH} FEDERAL IN A WEEK! Abbey Semuwemba- Mail!

Mr Abbey Semuwemba;

In a week where war is raging in the South Sudan, a nuclear war is looming over Crimea and a search for a disapeared plane going on all around us, the federal question, under two headings; namely, Secession or federalism may disintegrate Buganda (67 posts) & Characteristic of a tribe or nation (97 posts),  has dominated discussions on this forum; all started by Mr Eric Kashambuzi. It is necessary to draw your attention certain facts. 

I am sure you will agree with me that the total number of posts on the above subject alone, (for the benefit of those  mathematically challenged, total 164) which is equivalent to the total email sent to some Uganda forums;  goes to show that federalism is no longer a closet topic, one that is spoken behind the "kisenge" in a lull of nostalgia among the old Gandas. It has become mainstream among the young and enlightened. Even women have jumped on the band wagon, whether this should be attributed to the only woman presidential candidate of Uganda and the federal mouthpiece, is not known but figures show that women are getting more vocal in their demand for empowerment and they its through federalism that they will bag it.on board.  it's therefore, important that we keep record of the discussion to guide us in the future.

In the words of Mr Ocen Nekyo in refernce to Akim; The only thing you have done since you joined this forum is increase the average age of the debaters but reduced their average IQ. which i take as a complement to his annoyance, it's good to talk and talk federalism we must. This an idea that we cannot avoid any longer., It an idea that saw Yoswa Dambisya scurry for his keyboard and evoking memories of Biafra, Jim Muwanga punching his keyboard eratically in search of annoying  words; even the Rev Jessica undoing the dog collar and turning to biblical quotation in defence of the old idea, as Bobby Musoke waves the 1962 constitution  like some Egyptian scroll; all because federalism is an idea whose time has come and the foundation ready to be laid.
As if starting the topic was not bad enough, Mr Eric Kashambuzi went on to put his foot in the mouth of the 1962 constitution which Gwokto made a song and dance of in a quotation from a quotation by Kashambuzi thus;
 “Nor had it {Buganda} fully asserted its pre-minence over its neighbors independently – before the British helped it militarily against Bunyoro and used its ‘agents’ to preside over other neighbors to the east.  There after Buganda was itself incorporated into a territory that was entirely new and arbitrary: so new that not even a concept of it existed, in Africa or outside, before the British stumbled and scrambled uncertainly onto the scene”   This obviously, punched a hole in the argument; to revisit or go back to the 1962 constitution as a start, contrary to those who are looking for a fresh foundation. All to the bemusement of Bobby Musoke who stated unflinchingly, that his buttocks is in sexession while his leg is over the fence on federo. He is not alone as mr George Okello revealed of his secret meeting with high level Batakas who want nothing short of the Kabaka, with him being the Kabaka Buganda and also, the head of the state of the same; to mention but one. This demand will be the heaviest mill to shift, but shift it must, or else it will block the federal train.  In the first place, it will be infringing on the Bills of rights, because fundamentally, it will in breach of women's right to be head of state, of Buganda. This  is something that will not sit well with modern Baganda women. Therefore, the Bataka should be encouraged to settle for nothing less than a compromise!

Mr Semuwemba Abbey, during the discussion, I was pressed incessantly by Mr Ocen, to tell the world my party's manifesto for federalism despite  me telling him that, producing a detailed manifesto or cost analysis would be jumping the gun, still insisting, he concluded that our party is a briefcase party. That was below the belt.  Ocen does not see  the importance of educating Ugandans on federalism, without which Uganda could go up in flames like a nylon shirt. Yoswa Dambisya Biafra nightmare could become real. It's therefore obligatory, that we put education ahead of gimmickry such as manifesto and ten point programme. Federalism on the other hand, should be fully understood to enable Ugandans to make an informed choice in the referendum or election. We will not at this point, promise them sujui Obamacare; but educate them on federalism, it's role and benefits.

Finally, the notable absence of Mr EH Mulindwa on the topic must have been responsible for the lengthy run. There were no verbal punch ups and invective vulgarities that Mulinda so specialises in.  Although; it's worth nothing that WBK showed frustration bordering on annoyance because he did not agree with Akim's model of federalism. To him it read like a final draft to be adopted and yet i stated clearly, it was my prefered model and all are welcome to state their preference in the hope that we will churn out one that is agreeable to all Ugandans.  I believe we should carry on talking. The cost of stopping or turning  back from the journey we have together, embarked on, is too high. We should grab this opportunity and drive the ribit home. So Mr Abbey Semuwemba, bearing in mind that, whereas  politics is too important to be left in the hands of one man or woman, federalism is too delicate to be left in the hands of one man or woman and it should not be rushed. Better late but intact than early and cracked!


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