{UAH} Needed Amendments to the 2010 UNAA Constitution
Needed Amendments to the 2010 UNAA Constitution
Please allow me to begin with a couple of questions.
1. According to Article 11.9 of the UNAA Constitution, in what state is UNAA supposed to be officially registered?
2. In reality, in what state is UNAA actually officially registered?
The answers to these two questions are Texas and Massachusetts.
So how is it that this very obvious contradiction is still in effect to this day?
The UNAA Board of Trustees presented a motion to revise the UNAA Constitution and correct this issue at the 2012 UNAA Annual General Meeting in Philadelphia. However, members overwhelmingly refused to act on the matter stating that they had not been given sufficient time to study and fully understand the proposal.
The lesson learned from this was that UNAA members want and need adequate time to consider and debate proposed amendments to the UNAA Constitution.
Now there is currently just under 5 months left before the next UNAA Annual General Meeting which will be held at the Hyatt Hotel La Jolla during the upcoming UNAA Convention in San Diego. It is imperative, and the UNAA Board of Trustees has a constitutional obligation to appoint a Constitutional Review Committee in the very very near future (literally by the end of this month) to undertake a thorough review of the current UNAA Constitution in advance of the upcoming AGM. Most specifically, this CRC will need to identify weaknesses, contradictions and other previously unforeseen problems in the current (2010) UNAA Constitution, reach out, consult with and solicit input from UNAA members, and develop appropriate recommendations for final consideration and action by UNAA members at the upcoming AGM.
As has already been noted, it is desirable that the members of the CRC not merely be a rerun of the same old names that are always tapped for functions such as this. I believe that the BOT needs to take extraordinary measures to reach out and recruit fresh new people from within its membership to volunteer for this very important task. I also deem it important that the BOT take equally extraordinary measure to ensure the CRC is as balanced as possible according to regional distribution of residence within North America, gender and age.
Let me close by asking three more salient questions.
1. According to Article 1.2 of the UNAA Constitution, who are the supreme organ of (and the ultimate power in) this organization?
2. According to Article 3.3.1 of the UNAA Constitution, who will be recognized as a valid UNAA member in good standing with the right to both participate in and vote during the upcoming Annual General Meeting?
3. According to the Artible 3.3.1 of the UNAA Constitution, who will be recognized as a valid UNAA member in good standing with the right to vote in UNAA elections next year.
Moses R. Wilson
Member – UNAA Board of Trustees
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